Cramping During Late Pregnancy - Four Possible Reasons Why Pregnancy Cramping May Occur!

Bleeding and cramping during pregnancy do not always indicate severe pregnancy issues even though no woman wants to see or feel them. Although keeping your health care provider in the loop at all time is highly advisable, it is also recommended that you endeavor to thoroughly understand what the causes of these signs and symptoms may be before actually experiencing them. This article will reveal four of the most common causes of cramping during late pregnancy.

1. Ectopic pregnancy may be the reason why you are cramping and bleeding. Ectopic pregnancy is characterized by the development of the embryo in the fallopian tube instead of the uterine wall. Ectopic pregnancy is a life threatening condition and should not be treated lightly. Its symptoms include, but are not limited to, the following; pain on one side of the abdomen, and cramping in the pelvis, and so on.

2. Having a miscarriage may also cause you to cramp during late pregnancy; this type of cramping is often accompanied by bleeding. It may also be possible for you to have a miscarriage without cramping therefore the importance of knowing what the signs of a miscarriage are cannot be overstated; these signs include, but are not limited to; bleeding from the vagina, cramping around the pelvis, and tissue that proceeds from the vagina.

3. If you experience your cramps after the first trimester, it may be indicative of placenta problems. These include; placental abruption (which is when the placenta separates from the uterine wall), Pre-term labor (this is characterized by any labor beginning before the 37th week of pregnancy), and Placenta previa (which occurs when the uterus covers your cervix partially or completely due to the placenta being positioned too low).

4. The process whereby the embryo embeds itself into the wall of the uterus is referred to as implantation. It is normal and common for this process to cause cramping and bleeding. The APA (that is, the American Pregnancy Association) says that bleeding due to implantation may occur within the first 6 - 12 days after fertilization of the egg - which is a process commonly referred to as conception. This bleeding, which may last for a couple of hours or up to two days, appears as a light spotting. Ironically some women may not experience cramping caused by this condition at all or may only experience very light cramping.

Note that you must endeavor to keep your health care provider in the loop (that is, knowledgeable) concerning your experiences during pregnancy especially as it pertains to cramping or bleeding in particular. Avoid inserting anything into the vagina while bleeding including tampons. If possible, try to abstain from sexual intercourse until you have ascertained the cause of your cramping during late pregnancy. You could monitor the frequency and volume of bleeding by wearing a pad, that way you will be able to let your health care provider know what your observations are.