by: Steven Yeoh
Edward Talurdey, a famous investigator has compiled his decade long experience in helping thousands of people all over the world in finding out whether their lover is cheating on them in a downloadable ebook. But Edward has made it clear that the material in his book is not for everyone, but to quote him "only for those who are fed up with their partners antics and are serious about finding out what’s been going on when “no one is watching”."
He is so confident with the quality and effectiveness of the materials he presents in his book that he guaranteed his reader will quickly learn the truth about what's been going on behind their back once they follow the instruction in the book. One of his reader was quoted saying "4 days. That's how long it took me to catch my wife having an affair after I got your material - and I wasn't even half-way through it yet! I travel a lot, so I wasn't too sure this stuff would work for me, but I got undeniable proof she was messing around in just 4 days. I can't believe I put up with her games for so long when you made catching her so freakin' easy!" Another was quoted saying "My husband has been treating me horribly for quite some time, so I ordered your material to see if it was because of another woman. In about a week and a half I found out he had rented an apartment and was meeting his lover there every day. I’ve been a housewife my whole life, and I’m quite certain that if I could pull this off by following your instructions, so can anyone else!"
According to Edward, one of the most effective method listed in his book is the Infidelity Quiz. He claimed that any person who score a "7" on this quiz is virtually guaranteed that he or she is cheating on their partner. There are many other methods listed in his book. From the 3 sure-fire tactics of getting one's partner to cheat right before their eyes to one simple technique that one can use to instantly expose any affair.
Cheating in any relationship really hurts. No one want this to happen to them. However, sometimes it do happens. For those who suspect that their partner is cheating on them and are not afraid to confront the truth, then the materials in Edward's book will definately help them. Anyone who are interested can find out more at