Endometriosis And Pregnancy - In Spite Of Endometriosis, You Can Still Become Pregnant!

While getting pregnant is not something many women consciously consider because it happens easily, for others it is a very serious issue due to obstacles along the way. One of such obstacle is referred to as endometriosis; this is a condition that occurs when the tissue lining the uterine wall bleeds outside the uterus during menstrual periods. Once not treated immediately or attended to in a timely manner, the tissue build up leads to ovarian cysts, adhesions in the abdominal cavity or tubal obstructions. This ultimately results in infertility. The good news is that you can still become pregnant in spite of this condition and this article aims to reveal 3 ways to ensure that it happens for you.

1. You should assess your fertility level and discuss it with your doctor once you get the results. You doctor should be able to offer advice, or possible scenarios based on your fertility assessment. These may include; drugs, surgery, IVF, artificial insemination or natural homeopathic techniques. Note that pregnancy is not a cure for endometriosis. You should also have a set time frame if you intend to use drug therapy.

2. When using drug therapy, you should endeavor to set a time frame for getting pregnant. These drugs actually prevent ovulation which results in your most fertile periods occurring immediately after these therapies. While endometriosis can be controlled by birth control pills, you should consult with your health care giver if you are delaying pregnancy. Another way to become pregnant in spite of endometriosis is to understand the degree to which it may affect your becoming pregnant.

3. To become pregnant despite having endometriosis requires an elaborate understanding of the degree to which it may affect your fertility levels. To achieve this, you should get your doctor to perform a laparoscopy, which is basically an inserted tube through which s/he can see through. You should endeavor to try getting pregnant once you are diagnosed with endometriosis because your fertility level actually decreases monthly due to the consistent tissue build-up outside the uterine wall.