Erzulie is the Haitian Goddess of Love whose roots go back to West
Africa. She can bring one love, pleasure, understaning of emotion,
healing from all that has hurt women, especially through the dance.
She is a very generous Goddess, but she takes many form from the
flirting virgin, to the Woman Warrior, to the red eyed crone.
Water is her domain; she can heal through water especially female
problems. She symbolizes the meeting of the spiritual world and the
natural world. She is centered in emotion. She cries because there is
not enough love in the world.
Erzulie is the protector of women who have been abused. She is often
called upon by women who have been hurt by a lover.
Call upon Erzulie, to understand your own deep passions, and emotions.

For these emotions move you through life. To understand these emotions
is to be able to direct your destination. Heal the hurts within you by
calling Erzulie name, she understands how to heal each hurt inflicted
By another and how to lead you to forgiveness. Dance while visualizing
Erzulie, for she loves pleasure, dance with abandon of your emotions
and see her coming to you teaching you to use all this emotion in your
life. Call on Erzulie to learn how to bring more love into the world.
I believe that knowing myself is the journey I travel in this world.
So to call forth the archetypes of the Goddess is a way of knowing
myself in this form I now occupy as a woman. All aspects of the Goddess
reflect us as females living today as they have down through time.
Every country has its Goddess and seeking the many names of the Goddess
honors one as a woman.

About the Author

About the author: Judi Singleton is the publisher of Jassmine's
Journal, one ezine, eight lists,
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