Find Out The Newest Techniques in Liposuction

Liposuction in the UK is now the country's most popular weight loss surgical procedure. The aim of the treatment is to sculpt the body by removing targeted fat cells from specific areas that refuse to respond to diet and exercise. Fat can be removed from under the skin in areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, calves, neck and chin. The male chest can also be treated in this way.

Liposuction in the UK has an excellent safety record and the latest techniques such as advanced Laser Lipo means that, in general, there is little discomfort, bruising or side effects. Laser Lipo is used for targeting the common problem areas such as abdomen, buttocks, backs of arms, chin etc. The final result is dependent upon the severity of the problem area to be treated, but major improvements are normally clearly apparent around six weeks following surgery. After the six week period, the area treated will continue to improve, with final results seen approximately four months following surgery.

It is very frustrating to have followed a low fat or low carbohydrate diet, religiously exercised every day, but those stubborn pockets of fat just refuse to budge. It could be the belly, back, jaw line, upper arms or hips. The ideal candidate for liposuction in the UK is someone who has followed a sensible and healthy diet, is fairly close to their ideal weight and who takes regular exercise but is unable to shift fat from a specific area of the body. Advanced Laser Lipo techniques use a fine "cannula" which delivers a powerful but very safe laser to heat targeted fat cells. This causes the fat cells to break down and these are then disposed of naturally. A "cannula" can also be inserted under the skin to aspirate the broken down fat for immediate results. The laser is then used to seal off the minor blood vessels and stimulate the production of collagen, to given smooth, tight results. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthesia and is virtually painless. However,if conventional liposuction is performed at the same time, some discomfort may be experienced.

Depending on the extent and severity of the area to be treated, more than one treatment may be necessary. If this is the case, you will normally be advised of this by the surgeon at your initial consultation. However, up to three areas can be treated at a single session, for example lower abdomen, neck and upper arms, providing the amount of fat to be removed is not too great. Technological advances mean that side effects are usually short-term and minor and may include some bruising, swelling or discomfort. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infection.

Liposuction in the UK is regulated by the Healthcare Commission and is carried out under strict guidelines. When choosing a surgeon, look for one who is qualified and highly experienced in liposuction techniques. Should any complications arise during the operation, an experienced physician will know how to deal with them efficiently. Also look for surgeons who have treated a large number of patients, as they will be more skilled at using various liposuction techniques.

For details of our procedures on liposuction uk visit our site. Safe and fast techniques in liposuction uk