Great Tips for Choosing a Laser Brush

I don't know what else to say except that when I wake up tomorrow morning, I'll grab a cup of coffee, then my laser brush. Beautiful, thicker, shinier hair and a more confident ME will be the end result of using this new technology. The new hand held low light laser therapy (LLLT) brushes offer the same technology in a portable device as was previously available only in a salon or hair therapy clinic. It is not only affordable, but can be used in the comfort and privacy of your own home. The laser brush works for both men and women, and with many user testimonials, the results seen with this product are too impressive to ignore.

The Principle Behind Laser Brush Therapy

The results seen with the laser used in the laser brush are both encouraging and impressive. The brush uses low level laser light or cold lasers. There are no chemicals involved, just the power of low level laser light. The FDA has deemed LLLT devices as being non-threatening to health and having no known side affects. A laser brush or comb sends light waves to the skin on the scalp, increasing the blood flow and circulation in this area. Low level laser light is different from natural light in that it is one precise color (the red or cold portion of the visible color spectrum), it is coherent (it travels in a straight line), monochromatic (a single compressed wavelength), and polarized (it concentrates it