We see supermodels everywhere. From the catwalks of Milan to the covers of magazines, it seems that anywhere that features fashion, we see the supermodel look. And achieving that look isn't an accident. Every step is planned out in advance, and executed flawlessly. But how can we all have that supermodel look?
Getting that supermodel makeover is one thing, but making it a part of your daily life is another.
It all comes down to ADD. No, not Attention Deficit Disorder, but three other words that define virtually every supermodel that ever walked a catwalk or stood in front of a top flight photographer. Those three words are: Attitude, Dress and Detail!
Getting that amazing makeover is not just about great clothes or the perfect haircut. It is also super important to take care of the inside. Anyone can get a great hair cut and do makeup and outfits, but in order to have that supermodel effect on those who see you takes the whole thing to an entirely different level. All three elements need to be combined in order to come up with the special formula that shouts "supermodel" as soon as you walk into the room.
Start with a great haircut, move to the right makeup and finish it off with an appointment with a stylist. Getting it all done right the first time and by professional is very important. That way you take the time to get the initial look you desire. Have them teach you techniques with clothes and accessories that will look amazing on you and bring out the look you are striving for. You may actually need to go back to the makeup artist a few times in order to get all the details, but once you've made that effort, then you can transform yourself anytime you choose. This will allow you to look like a supermodel every single day, not just on special occasions.
Another important aspect is paying attention to the newest dress styles. This step is as easy as watching TV, catching the clothing commercials and looking through those same magazines you see the supermodels in. Those sources will clue you in as to what clothes to wear. Don't just copy what the magazines are calling hot, work with the trends to make them unique unto your self. Be sure the outfit is "you". Having that supermodel look is great, but maintaining your individuality is just as important as having the look to begin with. If standing out in the crowd is important, make sure you are being remembered for being yourself!
But perhaps the most important aspect of that supermodel look takes place inside. This is the "A" we brought up earlier. Your attitude can make the difference between merely looking good and looking fantastic! Looking like a supermodel is fun as it draws attention from people. We want to stand out in the crowd and be noticed. And part of having people really look at us is to show them that we do look great! Not just our hair and makeup. Not just the truly great clothes we wear. But knowing we do look good, and that we are definitely something worth looking at, gives us that inner confidence to walk through a room, catching all the eyes that are on us, and appreciating that fact. Everyone is capable of looking like a supermodel, so show that amazing look to the world.
So remember, bring a little A.D.D. with you, everywhere you go, and that supermodel look is yours!