How To Measure For Wide Width Shoes

Poorly fitted shoes, or just bad painful shoes? No matter whether you are male or female chances are you will blame the shoes, not the fact that your feet are in fact bigger than you thought or perhaps wider than you thought. Those of us who need wide width shoes tend to be unaware of this. Make your shopping trip more enjoyable by knowing your measurements so you can buy the correct size.

In order to avoid future discomfort when purchasing shoes, ensure that you know your correct shoe size and foot width. You do not have to go to some fancy shoe store to get this done. You can do it yourself from the comfort of your own home.

If you normally wear socks then ensure you are when doing your measurements, if not be barefooted, also, do this at the end of your day so your feet are swollen. See if a family member or friend will help out. They do not have to help you, however if they do, you are likely to achieve more accurate results.

Now that has been established, tape a piece of paper to the floor. If you have got someone to help you get them to trace around your foot, if not you can still do this yourself. When doing this ensure you are careful as you want it to be accurate.

To measure the length of your foot do this with a ruler, between the two longest points on your drawing. Subtract around 5mm to account for the space between your foot and the pencil line. For width measure the two widest points and subtract 5mm again.

If you want to know whether you need wide width shoes then it really is a very simple task. Follow the above steps, simple. You will never purchase wrongly fitting shoes again.