How To Spot A Fake Designer Bag

There are so many fake designer bags out there now days and they are so easy to get your hands on that it seems everyone has themselves a genuine designer handbag. You would think they would be easy to spot and yes there are still quite a few that are, however there are also many that are very hard to pick out as fake. The quality of fakes has become extremely good but there are still tell tale signs that give them away.

Material and Hardware

The bag will be made of high quality material and matched perfectly, on some items like the Louis Vuitton monogrammed bags there will be no bottom seams and the material will wrap all the way from front to back leaving the back side print upside down. The hardware will be heavy and made of a metal not painted plastic. It will also be stamped with the logo.


Take a careful look at the logo. It should be centred on the bag. Look to see if any of the logo