Hurried Woman Syndrome - 5 Tips To Get The Balance Back

Are you a hurried woman? The Daily Mail on Saturday 30th April reported on the increasing way that women lead a hurried life which is caused by chronic stresses in life. The article was based on some work by a U.S researcher, Dr Brent Bost, and defined the main sufferer’s of the syndrome as "affecting as many as 30 million women each year, the Hurried Woman syndrome can drain your energy, cause you to gain weight, (or have trouble keeping your weight stable) increase your moodiness and frustration…"

It seems that many factors are adding together to make women in the 20-55 age group feel over hurried, rushed and stressed in their lives. You may have a completely different set of life circumstances to your peers, and yet still have the end result – tiredness, trouble with sleep and a lack of motivation amongst other things. How do you put yourself in a position where you can break this cycle, without adding to the ever-increasing amount of time that you have to spend doing a thousand and one tasks each day?

Here are 5 top tips to help you put the hurry behind you and get that much needed perspective back in your life.

1. Understand where you are now. Create self-awareness of what is important to you and your life, to help you see if your hurrying is achieving what you want it to. A great way to do this is to take a blank piece of A4 or larger paper, and draw a circle on it that you divide into 8. Name each part of the circle with an area of your life that is important for you, for instance health, wealth, fitness, family, friends, career, spirituality, relationship/ partner, fun, relaxation – whatever best reflects the different spheres of your life. Think about each area of your life

About the Author

Claire Chapman is the director of The Fabulous Coaching Company, and through the power of coaching helps professional women live lives that are meaningful and congruent with their values. To find out more or to book an initial no obligation consultation email, or call 01949 837247. For more information on The Fabulous Coaching Company you can also view http://www.fabu