Manicure at Home

Manicure is a form of nail care that involves cleaning, cutting, shaping, and polishing of the fingernails. A well-done manicure can make your hands and nails look groomed and presentable. However, visiting the salon for a professional manicure can be costly, time-consuming, and sometimes, impractical, especially in these times of COVID-19. Luckily, you can do a manicure at home with just a few items.

A basic manicure kit should contain:

1. Nail clipper

2. Nail file

3. Cuticle pusher

4. Cuticle trimmer

5. Buffer

6. Base coat

7. Color nail polish

8. Topcoat nail polish

9. Nail polish remover

10. Cotton buds

11. Hand sanitizer

12. Moisturizer

Prep your nails:

Before starting the manicure, it is essential to clean your hands to prevent the transfer of bacteria from your hands to your nails. Wash your hands thoroughly using soap and water, then dry them with a towel. To ensure that your nails are clean, wipe them with a cotton pad soaked in nail polish remover.

Clip and file your nails:

Shape your nails by using a nail clipper to trim them to a desirable length, then use a nail file to shape them. Ensure that they are even on both sides and round off the edges. However, when filing, do not file too deeply as this can weaken the nail.

Softening cuticles:

The cuticle is the small band of dead skin at the base of the nail. Soften it by soaking your hands in a bowl of warm water for five minutes. Alternatively, you can apply cuticle oil on the nails and leave it for a few minutes. Softening the cuticle will make it easier to push it back and trim it.

Pushing and trimming cuticles:

Use a cuticle pusher to gently push the cuticle back towards the nail base. This will help reveal the free edge of the nail, making it easier to apply nail polish. Use a cuticle trimmer to remove the excess skin gently. Be careful not to cut too much of the cuticle to avoid injuring the nail or causing infection.


Buffing helps to smooth ridges and bumps on the nail surface, making it easier for nail polish to adhere. Use a buffer to gently buff the surface of the nail. Also, remember to buff in one direction to avoid weakening the nail.

Base coat:

Applying a base coat is essential for preventing yellowing and chipping of the nail polish. A base coat also helps to fill in any ridges on the nail surface. Gently apply the base coat and let it dry for a few minutes before applying color nail polish.

Color nail polish:

Choose your desired color of nail polish and apply it gently in two thin layers. Wait for each layer to dry before applying another one. Applying a thick layer of nail polish can cause it to crack or chip.


A topcoat helps to protect the color nail polish and adds a shiny finish. Apply a thin layer of topcoat over the nail polish and let it dry completely.

Clean up:

Clean up any excess nail polish around the nails using a cotton bud dipped in nail polish remover. Be sure to remove any polish from your skin, as this can look unsightly.


Hydrate your nails and cuticles by applying a moisturizer to your hands. This will help to keep them smooth and soft.


Home manicure is not only convenient but can also be excellent for your bank balance. With a little practice, you can get salon-like results at home. The key to a successful home manicure is to take your time and be patient. With the right tools and technique, you can achieve beautiful and healthy-looking nails in no time. A well-done manicure can make you feel confident and put-together, so go ahead, and give it a try.