by: Yair Czitrom
Dating has become easier for everyone due to the emergence and success of online dating websites. You can choose the site that suits you best, look for people who have the features you desire along with common interests and contact them immediately. Some dating sites are featuring their own instant messaging for members to instantly communicate with each other. This is a great way to make contact and get excited about a new ‘date'. But when you start chatting back and forth, the other person is typing recognizable words along with small clusters of letters here and there. What are they saying? These are considered to be ‘Net Lingo' and are commonly used Internet acronyms.
411 - Information
AFK - Away from keyboard
AISI - As I see it
AMBW - All my best wishes
ATST - At the same time
B4 - Before
B4N - Bye for now
BBIAF - Be back in a few
BBL - Be back later
BBN - Bye-bye now
BS - Big Smile
BTW - By the way
CID - Consider it done
CSL - Can't stop laughing
CWYL - Chat with you later
DGT - Don't go there
DHYB - Don't hold your breath
DKDC - Don't know, don't care
EG - Evil Grin
EOM - End of message
FOAF - Friend of a friend
FTTB - For the time being
FWIW - For what it's worth
FYI - For your information
GAL - Get a life
GL - Good Luck
GR8 - Great
GTG - Got to go
GTSY - Glad to see ya
HAGO - Have a good one
HAK - Hugs and Kisses
HB - Hurry Back
HHOK - Ha, ha only kidding
HTH - Hope this helps
IAE - In any event
IDKY - I don't know you
ILY - I love you
IMO - In my opinion
IRL - In real life
IYSS - If you say so
J/W - Just wondering
KIT - Keep in touch
KWIM - Know what I mean
LD - Long distance
LMK - Let me know
LOL - Laughing out loud
LTIC - Laughing ‘til I cry
LTNS - Long time no see
LYL - Love ya lots
M8 - Mate
MRS - Meet real soon
MWBRL - More will be revealed later
MYOB - Mind your own business
NBD - No big deal
NOYB - None of your business
NP - No problem
OIC - Oh I see
ONNA - Oh no, not again
OOC - Out of Character
OT - Off topic
OTOH - On the other hand
POV - Point of view
RBTL - Read between the lines
RN - Right now
SF - Super friendly
SNAG - Sensitive new age guy
STYS - Speak to you soon
SWDYT - So what do you think
TAH - Take a hike
TIAIL - Think I am in love
TIC - Tongue in cheek
TM - Trust me
TMI - Too much information
TTYL - Talk to you later
TYVM - Thank you very much
VM - Voice mail
WE - Whatever
WG - Wicked grin
WYRN - What's your real name
WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get
YAFI - You asked for it
YDKM - You don't know me
YNK - You never know
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