Pregnancy Exercise DVD: Do You Know Which Are The Safe Exercises During Pregnancy?

So you want a pregnancy exercise DVD, yes? Before you choose one, do you know how to tell if the exercises on it are safe? Are they right for you?

For many expectant mothers, the thought of "safe" and "exercises" during pregnancy may sound at odds in many respects. For one thing, exercise can involve strenuous activities and you would be thinking "that can't be good for my baby". For another thing, pregnancy means that the body is undergoing many changes so being safe means not placing any kind of stress on it.

Fortunately, as your doctor or your family's heath care provider will tell you, these are false assumptions, pure and simple,. With the right exercises, you can actually reap many health benefits for you and your baby. It's important that you know which are the safe exercises during pregnancy, how to do them properly to get the most benefit, how often to do them and the right intensity for your condition.

Better Childbirth Preparation

As many mothers know, childbirth requires physical stamina and strength especially if you want a natural birth. You may even think of it as training for a marathon complete with the proper way to inhale and exhale during contractions. So the better shape your body is in, the better you can survive the pains of childbirth, so to speak. After all, many women (not all though) go through hours of labor and delivery, which can sap your strength.

Controlled Weight Gain

Eating for two? You do need a little extra but you are not really eating for two, you need to keep within the recommended weight gain set by your doctor through a proper diet and exercise program. A pregnancy exercise DVD is one of many sources of exercises that will help keep you fit and toned just make sure they are safe exercises during pregnancy. How do you know if they are safe exercises well for one thing you must talk to your doctor about it. In fact before you embark upon any exercise program you must get your doctor's OK.

Improved Physical Health

Pregnancy creates many changes in your body. Although these changes are entirely natural, it's important that you maintain your general health. Keep in mind that your baby's health in your womb rests largely on the physical condition of your growing body, so to speak.

As you progress through your pregnancy there are certain gentle stretching exercises that can help alleviate some of the side effects you are may suffer such as muscle cramps. Swimming amongst other things helps strengthen the abdominal muscles, with stronger muscles it can make it easier to carry your little bundle around with you.

Not to mention that the right exercises can help avoid stretch marks or at least lessen them. Exercise makes you fitter and feel better; if you are fitter you are more likely to sleep better, too. If you get plenty of good quality sleep at night you'll feel the positive effects and have a higher energy level all day.

We wish you a healthy and happy pregnancy and good luck with your choice of safe exercises during pregnancy.