Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Although pregnancy is a time when many women are at their most excited, it is not all good news and smooth sailing. With being pregnant comes numerous changes in your body which may or may not upset you depending on your body type. Most women share a similar concern for pregnancy stretch marks. This is a common condition that occurs in the bodies of quite a number of pregnant women and most of these women want to know how, if possible, they can eradicate these marks. The fact of the matter is that it is possible to minimize or completely prevent these pregnancy stretch marks from occurring in the first place. This article will discuss three simple but yet amazingly effective ways in which you can completely remove or prevent those marks on your body that you do not want.

Technique #1 - Moisturize Your Skin

This method for preventing stretch marks is generally belittled and ignored by most pregnant women due to the fact that it seems so common and mundane. But the fact is that it is a very effective way to keep those marks away. You want to ensure that you keep the general surface area of your body completely moisturized and pay particular attention to those parts of your body that you know are more susceptible to stretch marks. If you are not experienced with knowing those parts of your body that can easily attract these marks, a good way to identify them would be to note the parts that are itchy. Simply put, if it itches, then you need to moisturize. You can utilize creams and moisturizers like; Shea butter, almond oil and cocoa butter and so on.

Technique #2 - Exercise Your Body

You need to learn to perform exercise routines that both relaxes your body and tones it simultaneously. These exercises can include; prenatal yoga, light walking, swimming, aerobics, and so on. You must ensure that you do not strain your muscles and your body; try to always remain conscious about the fact that you are pregnant. Keep these exercises light; you should make it a point of duty to perform these routines for no more than 30 minutes daily.

Technique #3 - Healthy Eating

Bear in mind that you are now responsible for someone else besides yourself; you can no longer eat the way you please or to your heart's content. During your pregnancy, you must pay very close attention to what you ingest. This cannot be overemphasized because what you eat directly affects your baby. You want to ensure that you eat foods that are highly nutritious including, but not limited to, the following; eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts, and so on. If you can achieve this, you will be able to stay trim; unnecessary weight gain is a very common cause of pregnancy stretch marks.