Risks Associated with Abortion

Abortion may sometimes seem like the only way out of a difficult situation. But you should be aware that abortion has risks. Common side effects from induced abortion will often include vomiting, cramping, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

You are encouraged to contact a trusted abortion alternatives clinic for a full range of unplanned pregnancy and abortion information, advice and alternatives.

Complications - In approximately 1 out of every 100 early abortions (within the first three months) and 1 out of every 50 later abortions complications arise. These complications may include:

Although some bleeding following an abortion is considered normal, heavy bleeding, or hemorrhage, may take place if the uterus artery is accidentally torn. There is a chance a transfusion may be required should this happen.

Infection which may lead to a serious infection. If the resulting fever proves difficult to get rid of, a woman may require hospitalization over several days.

Incomplete abortion is the result of some parts of the fetus not being completely removed in the procedure. This may cause more extensive bleeding and/or infection.

The cervix may be torn by the instruments, such as curettes and suction tubing, used in the procedure. Permanent scarring of the uterine lining may also result.

Perforation of the uterus may result from instruments used in the abortion procedure. This risk increases in later pregnancies. A hysterectomy and other major surgery may be required if this happens.

Other internal organs such as the bowel and bladder may be damaged by instruments that accidentally puncture the uterus.

Death can result in extremely rare circumstances. A patient's demise is usually caused by extreme cases of any of the above conditions such as organ damage, a perforated uterus, or extensive bleeding.

An adverse reaction to anesthesia can lead to convulsions and a fatal heart attack as well. According to CDC figures, death results in fewer than 20 cases per year across the U.S.

Post-Abortion Stress (PAS) can occur in the days following an abortion, or it might happen years down the road. This is a psychological condition that is triggered by things such as religion, the age of the woman, and how far along in the pregnancy she was when the abortion was performed.

There is a potential of risk for future pregnancies for some women after they have had an abortion during their first pregnancy. Injuries to the reproductive tract may make miscarriage a very real possibility.

Trusted abortion alternatives clinics provide a full range of unplanned pregnancy and abortion alternatives.