Simple Indulgences for September

Simple Indulgences for September

 by: Susie Cortright

As the kids go back to school, you can go back to you...your schedule, your friends, your goals. Here are ten simple indulgences to celebrate this season.

1. Invite your girlfriends over for a Back-to-School tea. Have lots of “pamper me” items in hand. Do you – or any of your friends – know a massage therapist? Ask her to come and do backrubs. Eat decadent pastries and drink coffee or tea. Catch up on everything you’ve missed during the hectic summer.

2. Go on a hike or a bike ride all by yourself.

3. Start a circle journal to keep in touch with your friends. A circle journal (aka. “a round robin”) is a book that goes back and forth among friends, each of whom add a special contribution before passing it on. Here are more ideas on how to start your own:

4. Treat yourself to a new magazine subscription.

5. Buy something red.

6. What are you most passionate about? Start a home business that somehow relates to this passion. Autumn is a great time of year to get a business started. The kids are back to school and it’s before the hustle of the holidays.

7. Find or start a book club.

8. Make a brag book or mini scrapbook album depicting 10 things you love most about your spouse or child(ren). Present it to them as a “just because” gift.

9. Choose a charity that you and your family will support this season. Researching the charity will be a fun family activity – and then you can brainstorm all the ways you can raise money for this organization.

10. Know a good soup restaurant? Order takeout tonight. And don’t forget the fresh bread!