Skin Care Professionals

I felt really angry when I researched this! You are right to expect skin care professionals to be steering the ship of the cosmetic company that you purchase your products from, but there is very little that can be called professional in the way most of these companies are run. These companies sell their products through the use of deception, and the lies that they are telling you could have a negative affect on your health.

The sad thing is that these companies prey on people for profit, but the truth is that these companies cannot be given sole blame for the situation. Consumers need to learn more about what it is that they are putting into their bodies, and that means doing the research necessary to find out what it is that is going into the formulas they are using. Too often people are not willing to make the necessary effort to ensure their own safety.

Do you know what compounds such as acrylamide, dioxane, nitrosamines, padimate-o, parabens, and polyethylene glycol are? These are just a few of the commonly used recognized carcinogens that so called skin care professionals like to put in your products. There are other carcinogens present as well, and there are a high number of toxins in virtually every skin care formulas the major corporations produce.

Like any other multibillion dollar industry the cosmetic companies get away with practices that should never be allowed. The various regulatory agencies are quite aware of the problems with the formulas that the cosmetics companies are developing, but there is very little that the either can or will do about it. The only agency that has taken effective action against the industry is the European Union.

The European Union has taken the skin care professionals running the companies under their control to task by banning the use of chemical agents proven to be harmful to humans, as well as those that are considered suspect. They have even gone so far as to have many of the companies they oversee sign a contract which regulates the type of ingredients that can be used to develop a formula.

Right at the moment the formulas being produced by the signers of this contract are the safest and most effective products available. There is an all natural line of formulas developed in New Zealand that are the first to contain an ingredient capable of dramatically increasing the production of collagen and elastin. The ingredient they have developed is a protein complex and enzyme fusion called Cynergy TK.

These products also feature a range of other collagen promoting compounds like active Manuka honey, and two key ingredients for preventing the breakdown of your hyaluronic acid. Between the two of them Phytessence Wakame kelp extract and grape seed oil inhibit the proteolytic collagenase, elastase, and hyaluronidase enzymes that degrade your tissues and polymer. The makers of these formulas are the skin care professionals you have been looking for.

Make no mistake about it. With true skin care professionals in such short supply, it would be wise to take advantage of the effective products that any ethical company you find has to offer.

You can learn more insights by visiting my web site and discovering more natural ingredients I personally use daily.