Sneaky Me Time

Me Time – have you heard of it? We hear of it all the time on TV or in articles. It is time alone and it is wonderful. Ideally, we should have about one hour a day of Me Time. But, let’s be totally realistic, as a Mother, there will be times when Me Time is impossible to find, much less schedule. Of course, these will be days when we are desperate for it, so I say, “Let’s be sneaky!” See if you can try a version of one of the suggestions below to sneak in some Me Time.

Keep books on tape in the car with you. They can be novels, inspirational or even a new language. If you are in traffic or spending a few hours as a taxi Mom, turn it into Me Time by listening to a tape.
Carry books, magazine articles, your journal or your favorite craft with you all the time. You can transform waiting time into Me Time.
Adjust your attitude and enjoy doctor, dentist and other appointments. Find at least one positive in the experience - you are alone, you get to lie down, or you may be able to read! Although, I won’t go as far as to say a root canal will be fun!
Rather than run errands in a panic, rushing to get it over - enjoy what you are doing. Take five minutes to look through magazines, browse through the knick-knack store, or stop for a coffee.
Finally, offer to do one of the family chores – clean up the kitchen, clean a bathroom, wash clothes – ALONE. Light your favorite candles, put on some music, and have a cup of tea or a glass of wine!

About the Author

Excerpted from Mom Management, Managing Mom Before Everybody Else © 2003 Tracy Lyn Moland. Used with permission of The Gift of Time. All rights reserved.