Ten Ways To Get A Life You Can Live With

When is the last time you stopped and asked yourself if you're really living the life you want?
We live in busy times. Overwhelm and exhaustion is becoming the norm. Why? Because we spend our time accomplishing the tasks of the day,not mindful of the life we are building.

So what can you do? Take action! These ten steps will put you on the path to taking control of and building the life you desire.

Top Ten Ways to Get a Life You Can Live With

1. Say NO!

Don’t let 'YES' come flying out of your mouth at the first sign of a request. Notice how often you do things you’d rather not, and start making decisions based on what you want to do. Remember that you always have a choice.

2. Eliminate The 'Energy Drainers' From Your Life

Make a list of all the things you put up with about situations, other people or yourself. Ask yourself what purpose does this energy drainer serve in my life and what are the benefits of eliminating it? Commit to take the action necessary to eliminate the drainers.

3. Set Priorities That Reflect Your True Values

Does what you value match how you allocate your time? There is more to do in the day then time to do it- decide what’s most important, focus on what you value, and say no to everything else.

4. Put Yourself First

Putting your self first is not selfish; it’s actually the best thing you can do for the people around you. Once your needs are met and you are healthy and well taken care of, you will have more to offer everyone else.

5. Establish Boundaries and Set High Standards

Boundaries protect your time, space and energy and are the guidelines to how others may treat you. Standards are the principles by which you choose to live your life and clear, high standards allow you to easily make decisions that align with your values.

6. Be Aware and Present to Your Life

The more you notice the process of life the more likely you are to appreciate it. This means slowing down and enjoying the unfolding of your life and recognizing the deeper meaning of each event. Stop running from task to task and ask yourself, 'is this what I really want to do?'

7. Surround Yourself With Supportive People and Environments

Enrich your life by surrounding yourself with people that accept you as you are and support who you are. Also, make sure that your home and work environments are comfortable and bring out your best.

8. Observe Without Judging

Judgment is often a way to shield, protect or promote ourselves. See the world and those in it as doing the best that they can, even if it’s different from the way you would like it to be. Change your language from making someone 'wrong' to just being 'different'. Accepting what is without judgment frees up tons of energy.

9. Honor Your Spirit Through Intuition and Faith

Honor the fact that you are a spiritual being having a human experience; know that everything happens for a reason and to trust the spirit within you. Having faith in your higher purpose will give you a quiet confidence that calms and assures.

10. Celebrate and Have Fun!

Take an inventory of all your accomplishments, everything you are proud of in your life. Compliment yourself for your gifts, strengths and talents; compliment others for the same. Treat yourself daily to honor all the wonderful aspects of you and your life.

Take action today towards building the satisfying life you deserve!

About the Author

Suzann Foerster is the owner of Accelerated Solutions, a business and leadership coaching firm. Accelerated Solutions partners with business leaders and teams to maximize their performance through innovative coaching and developmental practices. Suzann is dedicated to empowering businesses, teams and leaders with the skills and action steps for personal and professional success.