The Reasons for Having an Abortion

The term abortion is self illustrating and has always been a very debatable topic. People are often quite biased in their opinions about this delicate issue, but rarely do they realize the multitude of reasons behind making such a difficult and life altering decision.

The following are some of more commonly observed reasons why women choose to terminate a pregnancy.

Many times, abortion is the result of a horrendous event like rape or incest. Apart from these, women also opt for abortion due to a multitude of reasons.

Personal problems ranging from emotional and psychological hindrances, to financial and health reasons are often reasons for abortion. Some women feel they have not yet reached the appropriate level of maturity or are not yet emotionally prepared enough to raise a child. Some feel they are too young to become a mother and some think they lack a reliable partner with whom they could raise a child.

Some women have a weak economical background which is another main reason for abortion. Many women are still in high school or college and the option of having a baby means discontinuing their education to support the child. Couples facing extreme financial limitations are often compelled to choose abortion. They are of the view that at a later time they will be in a better position to give their child better care and a more promising future.

Many times couples end up having casual sexual relations without the slightest pretext of getting married. In such situations abortion becomes a much needed option. There are times when the sexual relationship is something more than casual but the woman may feel her partner would not make a good father or be able to provide financial support. Some women are of the view that contraceptives are quite harmful and thus they prefer abortion to precaution. Contraceptive methods are not always 100% and can fail, leading to yet another reason for abortion.

Sometimes, there are very painful and heart wrenching reasons for abortion. For instance, some women who choose to have a baby in their late reproductive years often end up developing an abnormal or defective fetus without any assurance that it might develop into a normal child. In such circumstances, the woman feels she is left with no other option but abortion. Also, some women develop life threatening diseases and conditions during pregnancy and having an abortion may be their only chance of survival. A very commonly observed condition is hyperemesis gravidarum in diabetic woman, where pregnancy is associated with uncontrollable vomiting, which might lead to complete malnutrition and dehydration of the woman. There are also chances of heart failure in such situations. Hence, abortion is the only way to save her life.

It should never be assumed that the fact that a woman may choose to have abortion is easy. In most cases it may be the most difficult decision she may have to make in her lifetime.