Vaginal Yeast Infections - Source And Medication Clarified

Yeast infections are unpleasant to say the least. They are the result of the Candida fungus that normally lives in the vagina but in very small amounts. When too many yeast cells are growing in the vagina an infection occurs. This condition is quite common among all women. And treatment is relatively simple.

When the vagina becomes irritated it is important to keep the area as clean as possible. Any added moisture to the area should be avoided. Bedding should be constantly changed and clean undergarments should be worn at all times. Women that frequently get vaginitis, should seek medical help.

Vaginal infections are the result of new forms of yeast entering the vaginal area. This new yeast exceeds normal bacterial levels and causes itching and irritation. There are good bacteria and there are bad bacteria. When the bad bacterium outnumbers the good, vaginitis is the result.

Vaginitis is not a venereal disease. However, it can be transferred to a sexual partner. Men that become infected will need to apply an anti-fungal lotion to the infected area of the penis. Sex should be avoided when treating a yeast infection.

The symptoms vary depending on the severity of the infection. But the common symptoms are itching, burning and pain during urination or intercourse. There is a thick, pasty white discharge present during the time of the condition.

Vaginitis can be treated with over the counter anti-fungal treatments that are applied directly on the infected area. For severe cases, a prescription of antibiotics is necessary from a doctor. If a woman experiences several episodes, then she may have a serious medical condition that requires immediate attention. Most doctors prefer to treat these infections with vaginal suppositories rather than oral anti-fungal medications. Oral medications may cause side effects such as headaches, nausea, and abdominal pain.

Yeast infections are so common that every 3 out of 4 of women will have one in their lifetime. Half of all women have more than one infection in their lifetime. If you have these symptoms see your doctor. They will probably want to talk about your symptoms and examine you to make sure a yeast infection is the cause. It is important to note that woman sometimes misdiagnose their condition and may in fact be suffering from a more serious infection. If you are not sure, seek medical attention. On a positive note, these infections are normally easy to detect and easy to cure.