Weight Loss For Women and The Birthday Cake Syndrome

Weight loss for women is often derailed by emotional eating. You're chugging along, following your diet plan to the 't'... and then... something happens.

Maybe the boss yelled at you, your car stalled or the kids are complaining. All your good eating plans come crashing to a halt. Does this sound familiar?

Here are the top three reasons women cave in to cravings:

Financial Distress

Work Related Stress

Relationship Challenges

Food seems to be an old comfortable friend at that exact moment. It almost seems to understand and sympathize with you. It quickly becomes a different story. You may find that you are kicking yourself for caving in to the moment of weakness.

What happened?

Reaching for food during peak emotions is pure habit. You likely learned it by watching your mother. Do you notice that it's also a common theme in movies? The girl gets dumped and reaches for ice cream. She always goes for the entire carton of ice cream.

Another reason is procrastination. Yes, you read that right. Procrastination. We use eating as a distraction from thinking about our problems. And we use it as an excuse not to do something we don't want to do. "I'll do it after I eat."

The Birthday Cake Syndrome

As a child, you likely had a party each year on your birthday. What do they serve at a party? Cake and ice cream. How did you feel at your birthday party? You probably felt great! It was a happy day. All your friends were there and they brought presents just for you. Then what did you do? At the height of the party, when you are feeling really special...they serve cake and ice cream.

Your subconscious mind connects the two.

Ice Cream + Cake Happiness

Doesn't that make sense? When we reach for something sweet, we are really trying to recreate a happy feeling from childhood.

So how do you gain control of emotional eating?

you gain control of emotional eating with self hypnosis. Consciously, you are aware that you want to lose weight. You even know exactly how to do it. Just eat less, right? Yet, it doesn't always happen that easily. You need to reprogram your subconscious mind.

When you reprogram your mind to change the way you think about food, you'll stop using it to deal with stress. Instead, you'll begin to develop the habits of a naturally slender woman.

Though this is something you can do by yourself, some find quicker results with a recorded audio by a skilled hypnosis professional.

1. Write a list of your own personalized affirmations about food, eating and exercise.

2. Keep them with you and read them often throughout the day.

3. Read them aloud if possible.

4. Keep a copy posted on your bathroom mirror, desktop or bedside.

5. Make a recording of your affirmations and listen to it often.

Weight loss for women can be easier than you think.