Weight Loss For Women - Are You Still Counting Calories?

If you have ever done it, you know it's a tedious chore to count calories. It's easy to make a mistake as you measure your portions and you end up eating more than you planned.

Does healthy weight loss for women have to include counting calories? You tell yourself things like "The cookie is broken and that means there are no calories. " You know it's not true but these little tricks make for an amusing excuse.

The details of government guidelines for nutrition are continually changing so I'm not going to get into specifics. Just keep in mind that you will want to create a plan for yourself that includes all your personal likes and dislikes. A healthy weight loss program must include a maintenance plan to keep the weight off or else you are likely to gain it all back.

Women tend to think they are overweight even when they are not. Most women who think they need to lose weight are thinking of their own high standards which have been heavily influenced by images in the media.

Know that there is a better way to lose weight. Instead of worrying about how many calories you consume, realize that it's all about feelings and that you can feel good about yourself right now. If you don't you may find that once you lose weight you're still not happy with yourself. You'll just be thinner.

Take a look at your life and count your blessings. See what is already going right with your life and focus on that. Even someone feeling really down can find something good. If all else fails, you can always say "Things are getting better".

Instead of feeling bad now- imagine what you want your life to be like. This is the heart of self hypnosis. Find what's good about your life right now and put your attention on that. Using lots of detail, create a picture of what you want to look like and how you want to feel. Turn it into your own private movie that you can choose to watch any time you want to.

Find a few moments each day in a quiet place, close your eyes and watch your personal movie. Each time you do, you'll find that you strengthen your belief that it is possible.

This little exercise in self hypnosis will change your negative thoughts into positive feelings so that you can begin to feel good about yourself right now. When you do, you'll notice that you make better choices and the weight will begin to fall off. Weight loss for women doesn't have to include counting calories.