Weight Loss For Women: Here's The Best Trick

There is one trick that always works to for successful weight loss and it's this. Love yourself. You thought I was going to give you exercise or meal planning ideas. Maybe even tell you to park farther away from the store.

My mentor once said "There is no question to which love is not the answer" and he's absolutely right. From early childhood women constantly see an ideal image of beauty in the media, one few of us ever see reflected when we look in the mirror.

Try this. Gaze in the mirror. What's the first thing you see? If you're like most people, the first thing that catches your eye is probably your least favorite thing. How does it make you feel? Can you look in the mirror and love yourself, despite the ideal image of beauty?

A lot of money is spent by advertisers selling us the "ideal" image of beauty. From your early childhood you are constantly bombarded with beautiful images suggesting what you are supposed to look like. Most of these images are impossible to live up to. While we consciously know that the models don't look like that in real life, these are beliefs that we grew up with and they are ingrained in our subconscious mind. In effect, we were hypnotized by the media.

When you begin to love yourself just they way you are right now, it becomes much easier to lose weight. Here are three ways to get started. 1. Look in the mirror standing far enough away so that you can take it all in. Find three or more positive things. 2. Now, look closely. Look at your eyes. How would you describe them using positive adjectives? What does your smile convey? Warmth? Happiness? 3. Say these affirmations out loud: "I enjoy the way my body is looking." "I have a high self esteem." "I love myself now and that allows me to love myself at any weight."

The last tip is the most important. The use of affirmations will help to change your deeply held beliefs. The beliefs that keep you from losing weight. Begin a simple daily practice of self hypnosis by carrying a list of affirmations with you and saying them out loud a few times throughout the day. Though this process works really well, some find it much easier to purchase an audio created by a master hypnotist so you can sit back and allow yourself to be guided through the process.

Loving yourself is the best tip I can give you to help you lose weight. After all, losing weight is all about feeling good and when you love yourself, you feel fantastic. Weight loss for women is all about loving and accepting yourself. When that happens, the good habits fall into place and you'll begin to lose weight.