What Is A Breast Lift?

A Mastopexy or Breast Lift is an incredibly common procedure done to help reshape the breast as well as lift and balance the breasts. Those most commonly interested in this procedure are those who have uneven nipples, sagging, stretching or any type of deformities. In some cases breast implants or reduction is necessary to balance the body and retain the best shape for the body figure. The plastic surgeon performing the surgery will measure your breasts to get the idea of the desired shape and size of your breasts. In most cases the nipple will need to be repositioned so that both nipples are even and identical on the body.

A typical breast lift procedure will take around three hours to be completed. Depending on the length of the procedure and specific operation being performed a local or general anesthesia may be given. A local anesthesia will block your nerves and prevent pain, but it will not put you to sleep. A general anesthesia is used for more complicated procedures where the patient needs to be sleeping. Your plastic surgeon will discuss with you the best anesthesia option available for your specific needs. During this discussion your previous medical history and past family history will be questioned. It is very important to always remain truthful with your doctor to ensure that you have the best attention possible.

The breast lift procedure is a fairly simple operation in which an incision is made around the areola for the repositioning. The nipple is repositioned higher on the breast and stabilized. Another incision is created to form two flaps on the bottom side if the breast. The incision is closed up and the extra skin and tissue is removed. At the end of this procedure both breasts will be proportionate to each other in every way possible.

The complete recovery process after a breast lift surgery usually takes about 3