Would you like to be unique? Wear custom t shirts. They are also stylish in expressing emotions. During elections, politicians will use of them. You can use the batik method. You can add shimmers. To find out how great t-shirts are created, read this article.
Custom t shirts are the latest trend fashion expression. Many fashion clothing lines design t shirts to express general opinions or reflect popular personalities. In many ways, custom made t shirts are an effective tool to create your own identity.
At times, an inkling of the attitude of a person can be known through the message written on his tee shirt. There are also times when political opinions, whether favorable or not can be voiced out through wearing a custom t shirt.
Every day lifestyle and activity that many people relate to are written on custom t shirts to express support or dislike. Custom shirts are designed with personal and special effects and style to convey a message-often any views on any subject-or simply to express individualism.
One way to add a three-dimensional look on your t shirt is to print using puff ink. Puff ink pops up as soon as the ink dries. When used properly, puff ink can be an excellent and low cost substitute for embroidery appearance.
Adding shimmers to your personalized t shirts can produce another great effect. The shimmers are combined with the best features of glitters and metallic. Also, the inks used in shimmers are non-tarnishable and non-blotting.
Shimmers have impressive capacity to stretch and to be washed. However, you may need to use dye instead of paint for your custom t shirts. If you go for batik or tie dyeing method of printing, you should know more about good fabric dye.
Tie dyeing for custom print t shirts is not an easy task because it can cause a real mess if you are not careful or when you are not familiar with it. It may require the use of gloves and rubber bands to ensure that your hands are not stained.
In using batik method, wax is not required when you are doing your lay out design. You can use many colors to express yourself in custom personalized t shirts. Using many styles in printing, some online stores offer services in customizing shirts.
There is silk screening, which comes with fees for the screen. Besides paying for the setup fee, you will also be asked to pay for additional expenses for every color added to your custom t shirts. Silk screening is not easy as each color needs additional time and effort. Before another layer is applied, the previous layer must completely dry.
Using a printer attached to a computer, a shirt can be personalized. This approach is faster and cheaper than screen printing. There are also shops that employ iron-on transfers to ensure close to perfection artwork.
Iron-on transfer is first scanned on the computer, print it, and then transfer it on a paper. The only drawback it has it its colors, which are not as bright and its design on the shirt is not long lasting. Hand-painting can also be done for custom t shirts.
The artist must really be good at and comfortable in using paint on shirts. Street vendors or small scale vendors that have posts on exhibits are excellent in designing custom t shirts. The t shirts are great-looking as well.