Rachel Burd

Like most women, I was living a life where work was all-consuming and leisure was a fleeting daydream. Between business phone calls, I would silently wonder if my future is destined to be this way. Why do I work so hard and see little financial benefit from my efforts? If only I could be...

If only I could be RICH was the word that ended that last thought. What am I doing wrong? After all, I'm an educated, honest, and intelligent woman, but the lifestyle I dream of living had not materialized. Now into my forties, I felt that twinge of jealousy when I read about people who were living life most of us desire. It was hard to quiet the repeating question in my mind. What about me?

Then one day, I decided to take a chance. I'm not one to take chances, but something about this story seemed different. I cautiously called the listed phone number. I knew there would be an investment, but it was about time that I invested in me. As women, we have no problems investing substantial amounts to better our children, and our husbands. Then why did I hesitate to invest in my wants? Maybe it is my upbringing, or years of programming. You know that persistent thought; what you dream is beyond your reach, go back to work. This day, I made the decision to invest in my dreams. Then it happened!

I made $1,000.00 in one day. I really did it! It was no longer an unattainable goal! That was the day my dream became real. A victory was won! That's when I realized, my current job offered me no victories. It was routine! There were no pats on the back, no one to share my victory. I was where you are today.

Don't let your present life distract you from your dream; a dream that can become reality. I now travel to those exotic images in my past daydreams. What you dream can be what you achieve. What was I missing? People who believe in themselves, also believed in me. That's why I now lead the High Yield Team!

One phone call could change your life. That's how I got started. I wasn't' afraid to listen because I knew something was missing, and just maybe I would find it! I've made this job my life, and I want to help others achieve their goals. I'm a real person, just like you and enjoy speaking with those who are ready to experience the excitement of travel and wealth. I live in Las Vegas, and talk with those all over the country. Your first step is to dial this number (702) 434-3322.

About the Author

Come learn and share your victories with Rachel Burd, living in Las Vegas, leading the High Yield Team. If you want something, you've never had, then you must do something you've never done! Make the call! www.HighYeildTeam.com