Why Is Your Home Cluttered

Did you realize understanding two things can help you
fix clutter problems? And help you understand what stays
and what goes?

There are two categories which your home decorating items fit

These two categories are very important because they
distinguish what is vital and what is not.

All of the items in your home fall under one of these

The two categories are:

Necessity - an item that you cannot function well without;
something that is necessary and vital to your well being and
day to day living.

Accessory - an item that is optional, that you can function
sufficiently without; something that is NOT vital to your day
to day living or well being.

Being able to distinguish between which function each item in
each room in your home serves can quickly show you how much or
how little you overindulge.

Consider your bed. Do you think it's vital to your day to day

Yes it is!

Without a bed you would be sleeping on the floor. Granted, you
could exist like this but the result of sleeping on the floor
for a long duration of time could result in physical problems.

Like back pains, sluggishness, etc.

Things like back pains then affect how much or how little you
contribute to the important things in your life from one day to
the next.

Necessities can be further examined and what you come up with
when you look close enough is the revelation that necessities
greatly affect your capabilities.

They tie into how much or how little you achieve.

Food is a necessity. If you don't eat you begin to starve.
Water is a necessity. If you don't drink you begin to

Although these two things are not home furnishings, you can
see how they affect you.

They affect your survival.

Living without some necessities would not necessarily affect
you physically.

Other necessities are vital with the understanding that they
are hard to function without. They make life more difficult if
you don't have them around.

They do NOT affect you physically but mentally.

(Yet sometimes things that do affect you mentally can turn into
physical problems.)

For instance, a dresser.

You can easily see that a dresser does NOT affect you

But to live without a dresser or something that served as a
dresser-type organizer would be time consuming and difficult
for you.

You would have no place to put certain clothing items and your
only option would be to lay them about in a disorganized

In time this would become a space-interference.

And it would likely begin to affect you mentally.

Humans need organization. Without having some sort of system
and order, there would be nothing but chaos.

Necessities are about human survival.

As for accessories, it would be difficult to live without
some accessories but for different reasons. More for reasons
of boredom, amusement, and sometimes inspiration.

Some accessories contribute to your well being, but they have
also been known to take away from it.

They can be used to cause peace as well as chaos.

A television, for instance, has been used as a very efficient
tool for inspiring people to do miraculous things.

Many programs have touched the heart of mankind simply
because they had a television.

But a television can also be used as a very efficient tool to
manipulate the mind and provoke unhealthy feelings and

Many programs have brought out the worst in people.

Unfortunately the television can be used as a vessel to
provoke competition among humans, jealousy, greed, anger,
hate, and more.

Yet, if you took the television out of your life you would
press on. You would not die. You wouldn't suddenly stop

You would survive without it like those who survived without
it before it even existed.

Accessories are like grown-up toys. Many of them are for fun
and games. And they are pretty to the eyes. You see them one
day and you say to yourself, "Oow, I want that!"

A lot of us are very much adults, but it doesn't stop us from
being big-kids either. Things that glitter and glow still
impress us. And we want to reach for them and have them.

The toys have gotten more advanced but they still entice us
in the same way. Such shiny new things. So many buttons and

"Think of what I can do with that! I want I want I want!"

You may not turn to Barbie dolls or toy cars anymore. You've
probably moved onto bigger and better things...

Real cars. Or clothes that make you look as thin and
curvaceous as Barbie.

Accessories are not items that are necessary for your
survival. They are extra things that you want but most
likely do not need.

They appeal to your "I want" senses.

Necessities on the other hand appeal to your "I need"

Take a look around your home right now. Does your home
say "I want" or "I need?"

Are you someone that often buys what you want or only
what you need the majority of the time?

Remember to weigh an item of interest against the two
categories. Begin to ask yourself if the item you want is
really necessary for your survival.

Is it? Or do you just want it?

(c) 2003 by Tameka Norris

About the Author

Tameka Norris helps others simplify life's little complications
by revealing the small things that are often overlooked: