In most cases the most helpful tips on writing effective sales copy would likely focus on where to even start. Since copy writing involves influencing people to take a specified action, should your focus be on the people you are targeting, the product or service you offer or does it even matter.
Well there really is no 'one answer fits all' to this question. The fact is, it is more a matter of your personal skills and what inspires you as a copy writer. Are you more comfortable with targeting the wants and needs of people, or perhaps you like to promote the benefits of what it is you have to offer! Being that writing copy involves the use of creativity and insight, it is more a matter of what works best for you.
Being there is a beginning and end to all sales copy; it matters little where you begin as long as it all flows in a sensible and persuasive manner. However in an effort to offer some suggestions to get you started, here are 5 approaches you can use when writing copy.
Many use their headlines as an 'inspiration' around which they can create the body of their sales copy. This method is very effective from the standpoint that the content and headline are usually very consistent.
Product Benefits
By focusing on the benefits the product or service you are promoting offers, you can easily develop a strong 'core' for your content. Once this portion of your writing efforts are completed, it is easy enough to create the appropriate headline, introduction and conclusion.
Targeting Motivation & Needs
When focusing on the motivation and/or needs of the target audience, a copy writer is able to 'reach out' and engage readers. This method is very effective at capturing the attention of people since the content seems to be speaking directly to them. After this connection is establish, the product is then introduced as a solution that will fill these needs.
Address a Problem
By addressing the problem your product solves is another way to establish an immediate connection with readers. You are bringing to their attention and reminding them of their pain or the problem. Once these feelings are bought to the surface with the people who read the content it is easy enough to then 'present' the solution, which is of course, your product!
Focus on the Offer
Does an offer exist in the form of an attractive bonus for making the purchase? If so is it 'strong' enough to be the focal point of your sales copy? This is a terrific starting point and very similar to addressing product benefits as discussed above. This works best when there are very obvious advantages affiliated with making the product purchase in the form of such bonuses. Highlight what the bonuses can do for the reader and emphasize that they are free and available with the product purchase.
When looking for helpful tips on writing persuasive and effective sales copy you must also look at your own personal skills and what it is you are promoting. Sometimes the product or service can sell itself therefore an emphasis can be placed on the benefits it offers. Perhaps as a copy writer you are more comfortable tapping into the 'emotional triggers' of your reader. The point here is there are some common strategies used for inspiration when developing promotional materials as discussed in the 5 suggestions above. The choice you make is based upon whatever inspires you the most in regards to your own personal 'tools' and comfort level as well as the product(s) or people involved. In the end, the approach you use matters little as long your copy writing comes together cohesively in a manner that is persuasive enough to get readers to take the action you want them to take.