5 Useful Tools for Content Creation and Distribution
Content creation is the backbone of any online business with intentions of establishing a long lasting presence. Equally important to creating content is the ability to effectively circulate it around on the internet. Being that content development can be labor intensive it is important to establish a time efficient and effective strategy for its distribution. Even better would be to develop a means in which the creation and distribution functions were seamlessly integrated. In doing so you would be able to make better use of this online marketing strategy in a more time efficient manner.
Here are 5 excellent tools that can be used for both creating content and distributing it more efficiently online.
Social Network Sites
Social network sites such as Twitter are an excellent source of news and information for content development. In addition sites like these can also be used as a part of your content distribution strategy by simply posting your work on the site for other members to view and share as well.
Having a blog of your own is a great platform to showcase your content for visitors to view. By visiting other blogs you can pick up new information or ideas which you can than develop into your own unique content for use in the future. When using content for marketing purposes online it is always wise to have your own blog to make the best use of your efforts.
Social Bookmark Sites
Social bookmark sites such as Digg, Delicious or Stumbleupon just to name a few are great sources of new content. On the flip side sites like these are also terrific platforms for content distribution purposes as well. Simply bookmarking your own content and having it circulated around one of these sites can tremendously boost your exposure.
Article Directories
Submitting articles online is one of the most effective ways to saturate the internet with content you have created. When directories publish your articles other businesses and publishers, using content much in the same way as you, are then allowed use your article provided you are credited as the author. These directories are also a great source of information for your own content development purposes as well.
Forums are very easy to locate on any topic and are a great source of targeted information as well as effective distribution points for your content. Out of the 5 different online locations mentioned here forums are perhaps the most targeted for your content in terms of developing and distributing.
Content creation is the starting point of a very effective online marketing strategy that also requires a means for distributing it on the internet. Being that the content development component of this strategy is time consuming finding an efficient way of circulating it would be the perfect compliment. Even better would be to integrate both the creation and distribution functions to help maximize time efficiencies. The 5 'tools' we reviewed above are sources from which content can be not only developed but also used as distribution channels as well. In doing so you will be able to more firmly embed yourself into the online community while gaining access to current trends and news.