7 Steps To Resale Rights Riches

Even if you never write a word of your own, you can still
earn plenty of money in the lucrative ebook business.

Many ebook authors include full, royalty-free resale
rights with some of their products. This means that,
when you buy their ebooks, you can use them for yourself
and also sell them to others keeping 100% of the

By doing this, the author of the ebook benefits in
two ways:

1. He/she increases the value of the ebook to the
  potential customer and, therefore, makes more sales
  (at least in the short term).
  2. By being sold across a number of websites, the
  ebook will ultimately reach more people thus
  increasing the author's profile and credibility and
  bringing more website traffic from links included in
  the ebook.

At least half the websites out there that generate huge
incomes from ebooks sell no 'original' titles of their own.
They sell ebooks written by others ebooks with resale

Whether you're already involved in the ebook business or
not, reselling other people's ebooks can be an excellent
way to generate steady profits. Get in early on a 'hot new
title' and you can really rake in a massive amount of
money in a very short length of time.

Here's a good approach to getting started:

As soon as you hear about the latest hot new ebook
visit the website.

On the website evaluate the ebook with these criteria
in mind:
  1. Does the price include full resale rights?
  2. Does the deal include a full copy of the sales page
  complete with graphics?
  3. Is the sales page good? (Does is really make YOU
  WANT the product? If it doesn't work for you, it probably
  won't work for others).
  4. Is the order handled by ClickBank? (see STEP 4 below
  for the reason this can be important)
  5. Will your existing visitors or subscribers be interested
  in this ebook (or do you think you can easily reach the

right target market)?

Go to a few major search engines like Google.com or
AltaVista.com and run a search for the ebook title.
Are there a lot of websites already selling the book?
If yes, then it's been around for a while and you may
not make the big surge in income you'd expect from a
brand new ebook. However, this is also an indication
that it's popular, so it may be a good one to consider
for more moderate, medium-term profits.

Once you've established that this ebook looks like a
winner, it's time to get your own copy for resale.

Many books that come with resale rights also come
with the right to redistribute it for free. Be sure to
check your search engine results (above) to verify if
there are any websites giving it away for free (even
if it means subscribing to a newsletter, or whatever).
Make sure you get the sales page and all the other
stuff you'd get if you were paying for it. If you do
find a free version, then jump to STEP 5 below.

If you can't find a free version, verify from the search
results where you can buy it cheapest. (NOTE: Be
sure to take a look in the auction sites like ebay.com
to see if it's on sale there).

If you have a ClickBank nickname, then try to buy from
a merchant that also uses ClickBank. To find out, just
click on the order button and see if you're directed to
a ClickBank order form. Scroll down the ClickBank order
page. In the bottom left hand corner you'll see (in tiny
letters) a digit followed by a slash follow by a word.
That word is the merchant's ClickBank nickname. Now,
type the following address into your browser address bar:

By doing this, you'll save between 5% and 50% off the
order price. (This will be lodged into your ClickBank
account as a commission earned).

If you don't already have a ClickBank
affiliate account, you can open one for
free here: http://www.clickbank.com

Once you've downloaded the ebook plus the sales
page, you should evaluate the book to see what
you think of it. You don't want to sell garbage to
your visitors/customers/subscribers. Likewise, if
you're planning to target a brand new market,
then you want to get your relationship with your
new customers off to a positive start (after all,
you want them to buy the next hot product you
stumble across ;-)

Personalize the sales page with your own order
information. Decide what price you want to sell
the ebook for (if the author gives permission to
resell at 'any' price). Set up your own order link
(using ClickBank, PayPal, or whatever). Then
send it online to your web server. Avoid using free
hosting services as these tend to diminish your
credibility (see here for an article on how I host
brand new domains for free:
http://www.bizzydays.com/reprintrights/freehosting.htm ).

Launch your marketing blitz! The quicker you can
get your product out to as many people as possible,
the more money you'll make. Target it to your
existing customers and/or reach new target markets.
There's no shortage of information out there on how
to market your product, so I won't get into all that

Whatever methods you use, make sure you use
your money to target the right audience. There's no
point in advertising your insider guide to saving
money on life insurance in an ezine that's aimed
at 16-year old video-gamers.

And there you have it!

An easy and enjoyable approach to generating
short-term surges in income that will turn into
steady , longer-term flows of cash. The overall
investment is usually small, and the potential
returns are very big indeed.

Try it out today. Keep your eyes peeled for great
deals and act quickly when you spot them!

Happy hunting!

About the Author

Michael Hopkins is owner of BizzyDays eBook Publications.
Visit now to download original ebooks for FREE at:
This article first appeared in Michael's newsletter 'Ebook Times'.
To subscribe visit: http://www.bizzydays.com/freenewsletter.htm