7 Writing Muse Kickers to Fill Up That Blank Page

As a writer, the blank page can be an intimidating sight. Staring at it for hours on end, desperately trying to come up with something to write can be frustrating. However, there are certain things you can do to tap into your writing muse and fill that blank page with words.

1. Read a Book

There's no better way to get inspired to write than to read a book. Reading a book can help you get into the flow of writing and can inspire you to come up with new ideas. You don't necessarily have to read in your genre either. Reading outside your genre can stretch your imagination and help you see things in a different light.

2. Write Anything

When you're struggling to come up with ideas, sometimes the best thing to do is to simply start writing. It doesn't matter what you write, just start with a sentence and see where it takes you. The act of writing can help spark your imagination and before you know it, you'll have something written. You can always go back and edit later.

3. Go for a Walk

Sometimes when you're struggling to come up with something to write, the best thing you can do is to step away from your computer and go for a walk. Fresh air and exercise can help clear your mind and rejuvenate your creativity. You might be surprised at the ideas that come to you when you're not actively searching for them.

4. Listen to Music

Listening to music can be a great way to get into the creative zone. Choose music that fits the mood of what you're trying to write or even just music that you enjoy listening to. Music can help you focus and block out distractions, often leading to a more productive writing session.

5. People-Watch

If you're struggling to come up with characters or story ideas, head to a public place and do some people-watching. Take note of interesting mannerisms and behaviors, interesting clothing or accessories, and try to imagine the person's backstory. You might even find inspiration for a story or character just by observing people.

6. Use Prompts

Prompts can be a great way to get your creative juices flowing. They can also help you break free from writer's block. Many writing prompt websites exist, providing a variety of prompts that can fit almost any genre or style of writing. Simply pick a prompt and start writing. You could consider setting yourself a daily writing challenge to write for just 15 minutes a day based on a new prompt.

7. Mix it Up

Sometimes doing something entirely different from writing can help you get back into the creative zone. If you've been sitting at your desk for hours, mixing things up by going for a run or doing some yoga can help clear your mind and get blood flowing your brain. It can be easy as starting a different creative project or engaging in a completely different hobby such as painting or photography.

In Conclusion:

Staring at a blank page can be overwhelming, but these simple tips can help you push past the frustration and get your creative gears turning. Don't be afraid to try new things and explore different writing techniques. Inspiration is all around you, just waiting to be discovered. The important thing to remember is to trust the journey, start writing and find the inspiration you need to finish up that blank page.