A simple 7-step checklist to test your ads

Imagine if you had in your hand a simple,
bullet-proof, 7-step checklist to test your ads and
sales letters.

Well, here’s a simple 7-step checklist that Joe uses
every time he writes copy. Every marketing piece of
his that passes the test has gone on to generate

In one of his lesser known books, "Making Ads Pay,"
legendary ad man John Caples reveals a 7 step formula
for successful advertising. He wrote:

"This check list is based on the results of hundreds
of advertising tests. It is based on millions of
dollars spent in experiments designed to find out what
kind of advertising sells and what kind doesn't sell.
The next time your prepare an ad or a commercial, put
this check list alongside of it."

Use Caples’ checklist to give your ad the final test.
You can even use the following list to check any ad,
whether it is for radio, television, print, or even
for the Internet.

1. Does your ad attract the RIGHT AUDIENCE?

Does your ad STOP the right peoplethe ones most
likely to be interested in your product or service?
Does your headline, photo or opening grab the
attention of your most likely prospects?

2. Does your ad HOLD the audience?

Does your ad maintain the attention it achieved? You
may have stopped them, but does your ad make them
STAY? Does your ad or commercial speak to his or her
interests, needs, hopes or dreams?

3. Does your copy CREATE DESIRE?

Do you promise benefits to the reader? Do you reveal
what the customer WILL GET? Do you tell them what's in
it for them? Do you clearly explain the advantages of
your product or service? Does your ad make them feel
and want your service?

4. Do you prove it is a BARGAIN?

Is your price lower than usual? Are you giving more
service or adding more value than your competitors?
Are you offering something no one else has?

5. Do you establish CONFIDENCE?

Or to put it the way Caples said it: "Prove it is not
a gyp." You may have people interested in your ad. But
now they're wondering if what you claim is really
true. Dissolve their fears with testimonials, a
guarantee, or any other PROOF you have.

6. Do you make it EASY TO ACT?

If you want your prospects to do something, have you
TOLD THEM what to do? Have you given them the
information they need so they can do it? Have you made
responding to your ad or commercial simple and easy?

7. Do you give your prospects a reason to ACT AT ONCE?

Your potential customers may be ready to buybut
they won't unless you give them a GOOD REASON to act
now. If your price is going up, say so. If supplies
are limited, say so. If this is a limited time offer,
say so. Have you given people a logical and believable
reason to take you up on your offer right now, this

So if you ever need a quick, proven checklist to test
your ads or sales letters, just ask yourself these 7
questions and your ads and sales letter will become
cash-generating machines.

Best riches,
Andrew Clacy
P.S. If you haven’t grabbed a copy of Joe Vitale’s new
12-part course guaranteed to turn your business into a
million dollar money-sucking machine, I highly suggest
you take another look.

In my honest opinion, any person who owns that package
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Read all about it: www.explosivecopycourse.com

About the Author

Hi there,
I'm a fulltime Internet Marketer ,webdeveloper and Entrepeneur from Albury, Australia. Owner of popular website www.explosivecopycourse.com