Break in with Fillers: The Best Market for New Writers

Being a new writer can be a daunting experience. With so many established writers and seasoned professionals out there, it's difficult to break into the industry and make your mark. However, there is one market that is perfect for new writers: the break-in market with fillers.

What are fillers?

Fillers are bite-sized pieces of writing that are typically a few hundred words long. They can be anything from anecdotes, jokes, puzzles, advice, and tips. They fill in the gaps between the longer articles in a publication and serve to keep the reader engaged and entertained.

Fillers are a great stepping stone for new writers. They require less work than a longer article, and their brevity makes them easy to produce. This makes them an excellent way to gain experience and build your portfolio.

Why is the break-in market with fillers so great for new writers?

The break-in market with fillers is a great place for new writers to start for several reasons:

1. Less competition

There is less competition in the break-in market with fillers than there is for longer articles. This means that your chances of getting published are higher, and you can start building your reputation and portfolio.

2. Easier to write

Fillers are easier to write than longer articles. They require less research, and their short length means that you can write them quickly and efficiently.

3. Builds experience

Writing fillers is a great way to build your experience as a writer. You can experiment with different styles and topics, and learn what works and what doesn't. This experience will be invaluable when it comes to writing longer articles in the future.

4. Good pay

Fillers can be just as lucrative as longer articles, and they can sometimes pay even better. This is because they require less work and can be produced quickly, so the pay per hour can be higher.

How to get started in the break-in market with fillers

Getting started in the break-in market with fillers is relatively easy:

1. Research publications

Research publications that use fillers. Look for those that focus on topics you are interested in or have experience writing about.

2. Study the market

Study the market and look at the type of fillers that are being published. Take note of the tone, style, and subject matter.

3. Read the submission guidelines

Read the submission guidelines carefully. Every publication will have their own guidelines, and it's essential to follow these to the letter.

4. Write and submit

Write your filler and submit it to the publication. Make sure your piece is polished, error-free, and fits the publication's guidelines.

5. Follow up

Follow up with the publication after a reasonable length of time, usually around four to six weeks. Politely inquire about the status of your submission and ask for feedback if it was not accepted.

In conclusion, the break-in market with fillers is one of the best markets for new writers. It's a great way to gain experience, build your portfolio, and earn some money while you're at it. While writing fillers may not be your ultimate goal as a writer, it is an excellent starting point that can lead to more significant opportunities in the future. So why not give it a try? Who knows, you might just be the next big name in writing.