Create The Dream Team Advantage For Infinite Success!

No one on this planet has ever achieved great success alone. In reality, there are no self-made millionaires or success stories. Everyone needs someone to help achieve their dreams.

Sports stars don't win championships on their own " they have a team, a coach, a manager, an agent and a supportive family that, together, have created an atmosphere where that star was able to succeed. Oscar-winning movies are not made by one individual" movies need producers, directors, actors, lighting crews, make-up artists, etc. to be made. Even long-lasting marriages need a team effort to make it in the world today. We all need people to believe in us, to share the same dreams and visions. We all need a Dream Team.

Bring Light to the Darkness

Sure, we're capable of doing great work and wonderful acts on our own. One person can change the world. But why would we want to do it all ourselves and be alone when we could work with others, who want the same things we do, and create an even greater impact on the world around us?

Think about it like this - if there is complete darkness and you are only one candle, how much of a glow can you give off? If you had two more candles with you, light "four-folds, it doesn't just double. Imagine having 12 candles with the same exponential effect... you could banish darkness completely. These other candles - your dream team " help you uncover your infinite earning power, unique talents, limitless resources, connections you didn't know you had, and ultimately help you achieve your most desired goals.

Dream Team masterminding creates a great amount of strength, power and possibility for each Dream Team member. It multiplies everyone's abilities, talents and resources. When people work together in like-minded effort, every person wins. Imagine possessing one single arrow. That arrow by itself is breakable. But, combine seven arrows in a band and that combined tensile strength is absolutely resolute, sturdy and virtually unbreakable. Together, each arrow wins.

Great strength and durability comes from two or more people working in harmony. Look around and you will see that all great accomplishments come from a Dream Team, though one or more of the players may be the most visible. Dream Teams provide instant solutions - sometimes many solutions - to your situations, problems and predicaments. They help you transform your ideas into spiritual and financial greatness. It's a phenomenal and magical event!

Follow the Dream Teaming Rules

That event can only be phenomenal and magical when Dream Team members follow the rules. That's right - there are rules to making your Dream Team succeed. How many times have you tried to form a group or a club, or been asked to participate in one that eventually fizzles and fades away? We write it off to lack of commitment or lack of interest and move on. Yet, if we had followed the Rules of Dream Teaming from the very start, phenomenal and magical events could very well have occurred. Imagine all the ideas and dreams lost and forsaken because people simply failed to follow the Dream Team rules! Here are the starters:

1. Dream Team Meetings

Make your regular meetings a life-enhancing priority. While you're all guaranteed to have a great time, the purpose of the meeting should be very clear with a definite, major purpose, agenda and intended outcome. This is not a social event. Each member should be upbeat, enriching, encouraging, positive and beneficial to each other and the collective group. The talents, abilities and resources of each member should be considered during each meeting. In fact, you're better off establishing "talent roles" early in the game, much like formal groups choose secretaries, treasurers, vice presidents and so forth. Most importantly, choose the leader of the pack. With each Dream Team member recognized for his or her talent, you'll find that he or she will deliver more solutions and suggestions to the table under that "title."

In our book, The One Minute Millionaire, we say you need four kinds of talent to achieve enormous results: a creative type, an arranger type, a resource type and an executive type. One person may possess two of the correlates, but rarely will he or she possess more than that - and, honestly, you want a mix of people and a mix of "types."

The team should meet for just an hour or so, at a pre-agreed upon place (deli, library, church, school, or wherever.) That hour keeps everything controlled and focused. Try to avoid meeting at people's homes as there are invariable interruptions.

2. Creating Synergy

To achieve our Dream Team goals, we all have to work together - with like-mindedness - to ensure success. This is called synergy. The idea is that people who have the same goal in mind work together to accomplish phenomenally more than they could working separately. Unbelievable things can be accomplished when people work together!

For example: I wrote a book with Bob Allen called "The One Minute Millionaire." We decided part of our marketing plan would be to pre-sell one million books before publication. We knew we needed more than just our own concentrated efforts to accomplish the goal. So, we brought the worlds' greatest marketing gurus together in one room and, for more than 18 hours, we brainstormed about the challenge at hand.

From that one-day meeting, we created an 80-page, step-by-step marketing plan that would allow us to accomplish very goal. That Dream Teaming session was so amazing that we gathered the most phenomenal moments of the session and created a new product - "Masterminding Your Way to Millions." It consists of four videos and five CDs. I know it's sheer ideas and masterminding in action will help change, teach you, and improve your life, your company and the world. You can find this product at my website

3. Characteristics Required of a Dream Team

To create a successful Dream Team, you'll need one or more persons with whom you share a common objective. One person has to be the Dream Team leader - they have to have the vision to bring the team together. It begins with adding one team member at a time. It's similar to marriage where two gather together and give 100% to the relationship - they become bonded and unstoppable.

Founding Members - Once you choose to form your own Dream Team, concentrate on attracting the best, keenest, brightest, wisest, most cooperative minds available. Pick enthusiastic people with big potential futures that want to grow, glow, discover, and be all they can become. You're looking for individuals who desire to be on-purpose for themselves and others. And always be on the lookout for the best people - you never know where they're going to show up.

New Members - should only be admitted if everyone in the existing Dream Team agrees. Even then, I recommend you put all new members on a 90-day probation period. Why? Because everyone in the group should be have a positive mindset and spirit. Sometimes people fake being positive on the front end to benefit themselves, or perhaps they just don't fit into your group. Normally, you can weed out someone who is not ready to be in your Dream Team in a three-month time-frame.

Meetings - What goes on during Dream Team meetings should remain completely confidential. No one needs to know about your team's goals and objectives, because outsiders who don't see the wheels in action are inclined to step on your dreams before they've even had a chance to sprout. Allow your collective goals to begin life by being nestled in the warm arms of your team's positivity. They will be exposed to the world soon enough.

Encouragement - Each dream teamer should be an enthusiastic supporter of other members. Chances are there will be times when you might want to give up hope that your dreams are going to come true. It's at this time you'll need your Dream Team members to cheer you on and brush away the dark clouds of doubt. You will also be doing the same thing for other members. If you have members in your group who can't extend themselves in this manner, they don't belong in your Dream Team. This is imperative.

Dream Teaming Has Extreme Advantages!

The best way to assure yourself infinite leverage and success in your life is to create a Dream Team. When you start your own Dream Team, you join up with one or more individuals who work together in the spirit of cooperative harmony to accomplish a phenomenal, similar goal or purpose. Dream teaming can be used to enhance every area of your life including: family, spirituality, business, education, government, fund-raising and problem solving. So, start putting together your dream team together today and being immediately plussing the power of what's infinitely possible and see your goals come to fruition in lightning fast order!