Creative Fiction Writing Workshop: Starting Your Story

How do I get started writing my story? Where do I get ideas for my creative fiction writing?

Get ideas from virtually any common, ordinary situation. Get out of your house to see real people and the real world and ideas will come from the most random places. Be sure to jot down these ideas so as not to forget them. Furthermore, be thinking about what kind of a story you want to write so that you can slant your descriptions in that direction.

1. First, simply DESCRIBE A NORMAL SCENE you witnessed in a store:

The man put the socks down, took the girl by the hand and walked out.

2. Now, CHANGE the sentence. Make it involve more of the senses. Play around with how different words can completely change the mood of the situation. Use adjectives and adverbs:

The man forcefully threw his purchase at the Target clerk, grabbed the 5-year-old girl roughly by the arm and jerked her toward the door.

3. ADD ANOTHER SENTENCE or three to more completely describe what happened next, or its results. Use adjectives so you more fully portray the characters. Vary your sentence length