Deja vu and Time

I've always been fascinated about this unexplainable event that happens at the most random times. Whenever the conversation comes up, I'm always curious to hear other people's opinion about it. Personally, I have no scientific explanation, and I haven't really read too much about other scientists explanations either, but... I do have my own theory! This theory that your about to read will seem a little weird, and honestly, I don't even know if I believe it myself!

When deja vu happens, I get the sensation that I've been here, I've done this, and on that rare occurrence, it's almost like I know what's going to happen in the next few seconds. The next logical question, for me at least is, what could possibly make this happen? Is it because that event was similar to a past event? That seems to be the response for most people, but I like to delve a little deeper and think... is that point in time a scripted event, that happens at certain times of your life? Think of it like time that runs parallel, but then breaks apart. After that connection is made, does your life go down multiple paths or maybe your life goes on and doesn't connect again.

That's the best I could come up with, I suck with computer graphics, but hopefully that visualization will give you an idea. I'm not really sure where to go from here, I'm not going to make any connection with God, or even that your life could branch into thousands of different paths after the deja vu event or that our we could be living in some programmed world... that's a completely different story altogether! Bottom line, I think there's some type of connection with time when you have a deja vu event! -