Discover 3 Easy Ways to Promote Your Articles

Discover 3 Easy Ways to Promote Your Articles

 by: Brandie King

Are you using these methods to promote your articles?

If not, you are missing out on some easy ways to get more traffic. Ways that require no additional work on your part once they are set up.

1. Fre Ebook

Compile all of your articles into a fre ebook and give it away.

Set it up on its own page. Include a description and a request form requiring people to enter their name and email address before they can download it. In this way, you can distribute your ebook and build a mailing list all at the same time.

Another idea is to offer your fre ebook to people who subscribe to your ezine. With the massive amount of ezines available on the Internet today, people more and more need a good incentive to subscribe to any particular one. Offering valuable fre information is the perfect way to snag subscribers.

You should also set up an autoresponder to use for updates to your ebook. Put this form on the ebook download page, on the front page of the ebook itself, or on both. As you write more articles, add them to your ebook and send an email out letting people on the updates list know that a new version is available.

Allow other people to give it away as well and you will create a viral traffic wave that can continue for years to come.

2. Fre Ecourse

Compile all of your articles into a fre ecourse and set it up on an autoresponder, one article per day. As with a fre ebook, put it on its own page with a description and request form.

Make sure that you include a removal link at the bottom of every single day of your ecourse. This will help prevent you becoming the victim of SPM complaints.

3. Syndicate Your Articles

Website owners are always looking for ways to get fresh content for their sites. You can cash in on this need. All you have to do is provide the code snippet for them to use, then write articles to plug into the code. You can find free code for doing this at

These three methods may seem easy, but start implementing them and you will experience a surge in traffic that will have your hit counters spinning. Get them set up and all that remains for you to do is write your articles and plug them in.