Do Not Sell in the Resource Box!

Most people assume the resource box at the end of the article is their opportunity to sell.

You write an article and can sell your product or sell yourself via a link or email address in the resource box.

However this is NOT the most effective way to use the resource box. You can actually increase sales by not using this approach.

You really should not sell in the resource box but rather get the interested visitor to take further action.

You ;give' with your article but you try to ;receive' with your resource box. But what should you receive?

Instead of trying to sell a product directly through the resource box, there are more effective techniques that provide long-term benefits.

Here are 3 offers that you can provide in your resource box:

1. A free email course. This way you get subscribers and you can then market your product throughout the email course.

2. A free ebook download. Promote your product via links throughout the ebook. Also, offer the email course in the ebook as well.

3. An ezine packed with valuable content published either weekly, twice a month or monthly. Then promote your product with ezine ads throughout each issue. But make sure you do not go overboard with ezine ads. Generally, the fewer the better.

The resource box is an invaluable marketing tool but is often used for making direct sales.

However, my own research has shown that by providing offers through the resource box rather than the product itself, your sales will actually increase.

In the resource box provide an offer for readers to take further action.

About the Author

David McKenzie is offering a Free Email Course
"5 Secrets to Making Money Writing Free Articles"
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