Do You Need An Editor?

You have written your novel. The hard work is over. Now it is just a matter of sending it out to publishers. Not really. You need an editor. In fact you need two editors and three would be even better.

There was a time when writers sent their hand written manuscripts, tied with red ribbon, to a publisher. There, if the work was accepted, in-house editors would help the writer push and pull their work into shape. No more. There are still in-house editors, but these appear further along in the process. Now a publisher expects submissions to be of a high editorial standard before being considered for publication. Indeed if they are not they stand very little chance of being accepted.

So you need an editor. There are two types of editor and you will want both. The content editor and the copy editor. The content editor looks at the overall form of the work, reads to ensure the plot makes sense and looks to see if characters are well developed. Also a content editor will alert you to any obvious grammatical errors or typos. The copy editor checks for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation and word usage and gives the final polish to the work. You will have to pay for these editors yourself. Fees vary, depending on the experience of the editor and are usually based on word count.

Before paying anybody it is a good idea to have a family member, or maybe somebody from a local writer