E-Book Publishing Checklist

E-books are the latest craze on the Internet. Why? Because they
are easy to produce, free to deliver, and can create an
unlimited income if marketed correctly and consistently.

You can write an e-book about anything! As long as people are
willing to pay for that information, it will sell. It is also a
great way to self-publish fiction without spending a fortune on
print publishing.

How do you get started? Follow this handy checklist:

Choosing a Topic

- Create an inventory of your skills
- Narrow down that list to the topics you are passionate about
- Choose the topic that most likely to have a wide and growing


Define your Target Market

- Find your competitors using search engines
- List some problems and challenges your target customers might

- Think of 4-5 possible titles for your e-book
- Get other people's opinions on each title
- Post your titles on relevant forums to see which one people

like best (try )

The Ultimate Goal

Decide what you want to accomplish writing this e-book:

- Use it as an introductory product to a high-end product or

service (has to be of high quality and reasonable price,

and you must have the back-end ready)

- Make it your primary product for your business (should be

a decent size e-book, with many extras, possibly a

consultation included, can be mid-to-high price)

- Generate quick profits by selling reprint rights to this

e-book (topic must be able to support a large audience and

be unique from your competition)

- Use it as a lead generation tool (has to be free, enticing,

and still have useful information)

Content Brainstorm

- Decide on the final topic and title for your e-book
- Write down everything you know about the subject
- Organize your list into sections, putting related points

- Build your table of contents, with chapters and sections

within chapters

Write Your E-Book

- Use your text editor or word processing program to write your

- Spell check and re-read your book to ensure good flow
- Send it to your friends to read and ask for their testimonials

Design and Assemble

- Choose an e-book compiler (list of most popular compilers:

- Find good images for the interior of your e-book (try

- Put all the files and pages together and compile into an


Build a Web Site To Sell Your E-Book

- Put a web site together (get a free start-up guide at

- Set up an online payment system to accept credit cards on

your web site
- Password-protect your e-book files
- Write a sales copy - text for your web site
- Add bonuses, guarantee, list benefits of your e-book

Design an E-Book Cover

- Do not underestimate the power of a good book cover. A

great looking e-cover is known to increase sales 300% for

many authors
- Decide if you want to create your own e-cover or hire

a professional designer
- If you think you are going to write more than 1 e-book,

and want to save money, get the brand new eCover Generator

program which will create your book covers in minutes:


Time to Promote

Depending on what your "Ultimate Goal" is, your marketing methods
may vary.

- Create a free demo (or a free chapter) of your e-book and

allow your visitors download it & give away to others
- Set up an autoresponder to follow-up with them later to

upsell your back-end product or service
- Write articles, place classified ads, submit to search

engines, start a newsletter, etc.

For more e-book resources such as compilers, online payment
systems, idea generation tools and e-book promotion, visit
the E-book Resources at

About the Author

Milana Leshinsky is a full time web developer
and the author of two e-books: "Create Your First
Busines Web Site in 10 days" and "65 Instant
Web Design Answers".