When it comes to be writing articles, the most common mistake made by many writers is that only a few words and sentence structures are changed. This is simply not enough to qualify an article as being truly rewritten.
Simple spelling mistakes are quite common on the Internet. Research has shown that users will not tolerate either spelling mistakes or poorly designed websites. You have only one chance to be credible in the users eyes.
These numerous and unfortunate errors can often turn people away from a site. Make sure that you check your prospective writers work before offering them a commission. It seems odd that anyone would want to put a job in the hands of a so called "writer" who cannot even take the time to ensure that their articles are free from spelling and grammatical mistakes.
It is worth noting that Google does not look on duplicate content favourably. It has sophisticated filtering processes to determine which content to show. In general terms and will is always searching to provide its users with the most relevant and useful results of the search terms entered. Where there is duplicate content on the web it is usually the site that has the highest page rank that will be shown on Google. If the sides are of equal page rank in the duplicate content will be shown in chronological order. You should be aware that if you post duplicate content on your website then it is likely that it will not be shown at all.
In some cases Google will review a site individually if it's automated spiders cannot make a call. It is important to be aware that Google does employ regular people to do jobs that computers cannot; for example, they are needed to look at the appropriateness and relevancy of a site to rank it correctly.
Almost all internet search engines list websites using not only the keywords searched for, but also related phrases and words. For example, an article discovered relating to a query about 'dogs' will be ranked on Google based on not only on the number of times 'dogs' appears in the article, but also on other criteria known as "semantics".
This helps to ensure that the topic of the page is clear. A good article will include the word or phrase (in this case 'dogs') in the title, the beginning of the content and at the end. The remaining words left in the article or page will, in a good example, be related to the overall canine theme.