Five Reasons to Stop Procrastinating and Get Your Book Done

Sharing what you know in a book helps everyone. But if you have a business to run, a job to do, or a household to maintain, then putting off writing a book is easy-even if you really want to become a published author. Writing a book takes time, plus there are costs involved in getting it done right. Sometimes it's easier just to keep doing what you're doing. But that's no fun-and it's no way to grow as a person and professional, either.

If you've been procrastinating writing your book, consider the following benefits of getting it done.

1. Your Information Can Help Others

There's no better way to share your story and experiences with a huge amount of people than by writing a book. It allows you to reach audiences unlimited by geography and economic status. The number of people who can read your book is completely unlimited as well. And books are different from any other type of media because readers spend more time with them, allowing them to absorb your ideas and material in a different way than they might a movie or article or blog. Books are influential, and they are a powerful way to change people's lives for the better.

2. A Book Establishes Credibility and Expertise

After you've done the work to research and write a book, then your expertise is immediately more credible. Wouldn't you be more likely to buy investments from someone who wrote a book on investing? And wouldn't you be more likely to recommend an organizer who'd written a book on organization to all your friends? Of course! Being an author means more respect from colleagues, more interest from your market, and customers more likely to buy from you.

3. You Can Make More Money with a Book

Once you get your book written and published, you can make money with it in numerous ways. Most people think of passive income from book sales first. But as an author you can increase your fees for the services you offer because your level of expertise will be perceived as higher. You can use the book to sell more people into higher-priced programs. And you can attract more clients and leads with the book.

4. Books Make it Easier to Get Publicity and Media Attention

Many people find getting media attention difficult, whether they're just trying to share their story, or they're trying to get their business mentioned. A book tends to attract media attention. Journalists are always looking for experts to interview. Books can be reviewed in newspapers and magazines. And authors make great guests to radio and television shows.

5. A Book Can Lead to New Opportunities

If you're not already working as a speaker or consultant, getting your book done can lead to opportunities for both. Authors are often booked as guest speakers by associations and other organizations, and paid handsomely for it. And a book gives potential consulting clients a taste of the solutions you can provide for them, which can lead them to hire you.

Getting Your Book DONE!

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, share your message with the world, and step into all the benefits of becoming a published author, then find a way to do it. Take a class; hire a coach; join a writing group-make the commitment and do what it takes to get your book out there. The world will thank you, and you'll thank yourself too!