Force your muse to work! It's easy.

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Title: Force your muse to work! It's easy.
by Jeff Heisler

I find I don''t need a prompt when I sit down as much as I need a structured writing regimen.


I think the creative mind hates structure. Even so, it scrambles to find solutions to problems it faces. If I tell myself that I''m going to write scene X at 8:00 Monday morning, my creative brain panics and hurries to pull something together to meet this challange.

By the time I sit down to write it''s really just about dictation.

This only works if you force yourself to write at the time you said you would. You may write junk the first couple of days, but that''s ok. Your brain is learning the consequences of not preparing. It will be ready next time.

Other tips to help this work:

1) Quit writing while you still know what's next.
2) Once you have a set time and word count- don't change it- ever!
3) If you plot on paper you''re way ahead. All you need to do is review that paper once or twice a day outside your usual writing time. Just let it sink in and your brain will do the rest.

Creativity is a human trait for a reason. It is intended to help us find solutions for the challanges we face. If you give your brain a challange and stick to it, creativity will come smoother and easier than you ever thought possible.

-Jeff Heisler

Jeff Heisler is a freelance writer and editor of Write Away.
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About the Author

Jeff Heisler is a freelance writer and editor of Write Away.
Read more of Jeff's writing articles at
You may also write to Jeff at