I've recently launched my own ebook site
back in April and have been brainstorming
ways in which to promote my own ebooks, have
thought about e-bay but just not sure about.
Also, one research strategy I've used when
it comes to researching on what people want
on the internet is the usual of going to
forums and seeing the questions that people ask.
This seems to work fine but than I thought
about another away, like offering a free ebook
on a particular niche market, just make it a short
3 or 4 page report, than I develop a webpage
outlining the benefits as to why my visitor
should download it besides it being free. If
they decide to download it, they click on a link
taking them to a visitor feedback page where
I ask them to answer 2 short questions.
1. What other forms of information would they be
interested in receiving on that particular niche
market. ie. Dog Grooming.
2. What kind of software if any would they like
to see developed and would use in relation to their
particular interest.
I then ask for their name and email address and permission to send them information by autoresponder.
I was quite surprised how many people actually
took the time to answer these questions and give
me their permission. Of course, if they didn't want
to offer any input all they had to do was submit the feedback form without any information and they would still get the free ebook.
Try implementing this on your site.
About the Author
Owner of www.theebookking.com