Getting Noticed in a Crowded Internet

Talk about a challenge. Facts are there are a gazillion websites on the net and counting. You may think the odds are stacked against you to even get listed on search engines like Google and Yahoo. And if you do get listed, you get buried in the maze of hundreds of other sites similar to yours. Don't get discouraged. These are the odds everybody face and just because they are daunting obstacles doesn't mean you can't make it.

I'm making the assumption you've already built a site that plainly tells everybody your intentions or conveys your thoughts on what you are wanting everybody to learn. And maybe you've submitted your URL to that site using one method or the other. Wonderful, that is a good start but most people leave it there thinking they are about to get a flood of traffic only to find that after a few weeks, no hits.

Here is why.

Because of the volume of sites similar to yours is probably huge, your site is actually like a drop of water being dropped into a lake full of water. Once the drop hit's the lake (search engines), it's indistinguishable from the rest of the lake. You have to make your site stand out. The way to do this is to author content in the form of articles and blog entries.

Articles, in all reality are simple to compose if they are about a subject you're interested in. Especially easy if the subject is something you have a passion over. Write them and submit them everywhere you possibly can. But don't stop there. Make sure you post those same articles on your own site in your blog.

I did mention a blog didn't I? I even have placed links on my blog or article pages back to where my article is posted on ezine sites. Backlinks are the greatest thing since peanut butter. It never hurts to have some links. What's even more wonderful is when your article starts migrating to other folks pages. Then you have some wonderful and much needed popularity links.