How Freelancers Can Expand Their Business Using Personal Coaching

Back in 1985 when I first started copywriting, the only help
I could find on the subject were books by Herschell Gordon
Lewis, Bob Stone, David Ogilvy, and a few others. I didn’t
even look for books on how to build a copywriting business
because it never crossed my mind that one would exist.

Since that time copywriters have access to some very fine books
on how to build their businesses, most notably books by Bob Bly,
Steve Slaunwhite, and Peter Bowerman. But even these books
can’t help you when you’re confused about how to make a project
move forward that’s “stuck,” or what to do with a client’s new
hire who doesn’t seem to want to work with you.

These are problems one of my coaching clients had last week,
and I was able to solve both of her problems with one
document that I have refined throughout the years and which
has kept my direct response campaigns on target 100% of the time.

This particular client reported back at our next session that
everyone was thrilled with “her idea,” and the new hire
became warm and friendly, and offered lots of eye contact.

This is just one real world example of how personal coaching
by a veteran copywriter can increase a copywriter’s business
success. My clients come to me with all of the challenges,
issues, and problems I encountered on my own for so many
years — challenges I’ve overcome the hard way by making
mistakes, spending too much money, and growing ever so
slowly toward success.

Today I’m enjoying the benefits of working with some of the
world’s most prestigious companies, of having many contacts
in the industry, and being able to choose the projects I want to
work on and reject those I don’t.

In recent years I’ve helped many copywriters, mostly those who
became friends. But now I have gone one step further by offering
my services on a professional basis. Today I am coaching a
seasoned copywriter on the best way to get more clients; for
another, I’m getting her on track for earning more money; and for
a third — a newcomer to copywriting — I’m helping him create
powerful marketing materials.

Rarely does a copywriter come to me with a single issue.
Usually they’re trying to achieve a short- or long-term goal,
so we set up weekly one-hour phone sessions with 24/7
support in between. After each session, the copywriter (or
graphic artist) completes “homework” that pertains to his
or her goals.

Issues common to the business of freelancing include making
more money, getting more clients, getting paid what you’re
worth, and working for the companies or industries that respect
copywriters and designers, and that pay well.

Marketing is another area in which coaching is helpful.
Copywriters grapple with getting samples and getting the results
of their lead-generating or order-generating campaigns. They
wonder how to go about doing a successful lead-generating
campaign for themselves. And they wonder how best to sell
themselves to a potential client once they do have a “hot” lead.

There’s also things to know about copywriting that a writer
may never find out about. For instance, do you know how some
copywriters are able to make millions of dollars each year? (They
create their own products and use their master copywriting
skills to sell them.)

Did you know that in some industries, you can get paid royalties
for writing a direct mail piece, just like book authors do?
(Publishing and alternative health are two big ones.)

And did you know that many “high powered” copywriters don’t do
all the work themselves? (Most of the famous guys use
“copy chiefs,” sometimes as many as five, to go over an order-
generating piece, until it has its best chance of winning in the
mail, on the Internet, or in the case of a print ad, in a magazine.)

If I had known what I now know when I started out in this
fascinating business, I might have made different choices. But
even if I had not, one thing is for sure, and that’s that I would
have achieved success much sooner.

If you’re ever in a quandary, or if you’re goal-oriented and want
to build a successful freelancing business as quickly as possible,
now you know someone who will give you the support and
information you need. For more on personal coaching for
copywriters, designers, and other business freelancers, visit

About the Author

A veteran freelancer and award-winning copywriter, Chris Marlow
offers business coaching to new, aspiring, and seasoned business
freelancers who want to accelerate their success. She can be
reached via or via email Publishers please respond to:
© Chris Marlow, 2004 All rights reserved.