How To Engineer Compelling Prose

I once set up a Web page for an IT company where project managers posted updates on key projects, with that information visible to customers. The purpose was to make the company more transparent, with information readily available to the clients.

What happened? There was indeed a massive amount of data that was searchable, well-organized and easy to access. There was just one problem. The writing was indecipherable. Jargon. Acronyms that customers would never understand. Lack of explanation. Overall, you had the sense that the project managers either a) didn't know how to communicate with the customers or b) even worse, didn't care.

Why was this an issue? Shouldn't technical specialists of all kinds, including engineers, always keep the customer in mind? Of course. However, the ideal does not always match reality.

An engineer or any technical specialist prides themselves on solving problems, on getting things done. They work their way through the challenges and overcome them. Working with their colleagues, they find solutions and get results for their customers.

But how much time do they spend thinking about how they communicate with their customers?

Inside your company, there hopefully is excellent communication and teamwork. My experience is that this is not the case in many companies. Experts in different disciplines often remain in silos, kept separate from others. However, at least technical specialists speak similar "languages." And that language is often very different than that your customer understands.

So how can you improve your written skills to communicate clearly with not only your firm's associates, but your customers? Here are 10 tips.

1. Make clear writing a priority. Without committing the attention - and time at the outset, then you have no reason to read further. Understand that clear writing may require a little extra time and thought. Also understand that clear writing ultimately helps the bottom line. Good writing is good business.

2. Know your audience. Remember who will be reading your note. This may seem a no-brainer, but my head still hurts when I remember some of the items customers had to read on the IT group's site. If you don't know the preferences of the reader, which is a problem in itself, be mindful of length. It's not unprofessional to ask a client how they and when they want their information - detailed or non-detailed, daily or weekly, etc.

3. Think before you write. Putting together an outline of what you want to communicate will simplify for the writing process for you and the reader will appreciate your clarity.

4. Avoid jargon. Your profession may often use terms that are part of your everyday language. Don't assume that your customers use the same terminology. Use common, non-technical words. If you must get technical, explain, explain, explain.

5. Avoid acronyms that are part of your project or business processes. Your company may need to draft a Statement of Work or SOW before giving cost estimates. Avoid the bureaucratic terms and just write the company is evaluating the requirements a project may need. Never write that you will provide an answer by COB (close of business), especially in a world where business never stops.

6. While all details are important, focus on the ones that matter. Don't drown the reader in them.

7. Use plain English and avoid the trap of turning nouns into verbs. Leverage and effort, just for starters, are verbs that are commonly misused.

8. If possible, pick a time of day when you are less distracted or interrupted to write. The end of the day is probably not the best time because you will more likely rush or not give the subject as much thought or time.

9. If time, hold on to your writing before sending it. A second read at a later point may catch mistakes or give you an opportunity to make revisions.

10. Practice, practice, practice. Effective writing comes with time and execution. The more you practice good writing, the better you will become.

Good luck!

Copyright (c) 2009 Pamela Scott