How to Make Money at Home with Your Computer

Writers, read this article carefully, it holds opportunity for

In just a second I'm going to reveal to you a really easy way to
make money at home. But first I want you to think about

What is the secret to making money at home? If it's so easy why
isn't everybody working at home?

Because they don't believe it's possible. If they think of a really
easy way to make money at home, they immediately start thinking
up reasons why it can't possibly work. In no time at all they
completely talk themselves out of it, without even giving it a try.
Then they get up each day and go to work at a job they absolutely

Making money at home, or anywhere else for that matter is
actually quite easy, if you just follow the number one rule of
business, which is:

Solve a problem.

There are a multitude of problems that need to be solved
every single day. If you can find a way to solve only one of those
problems, you will have a successful business idea. That's if
you don't talk yourself out of it.

In the hustle and bustle of the busy lives that we lead these days,
time is getting more and more difficult to come by. I wish I could
buy 3 or 4 hours a day from some of the people that I see foolishly
wasting theirs. That's right, I'd be willing to pay good money for
just a few hours each day.

O.K. The wheels should be turning now.

I just presented you with a problem.
Can you solve it for me? Yes you can! Of course you can not
sell me time, that's impossible. But you can save me time, which
is actually better.

This is my problem, and if I have this problem so do lots of
other people.

I happen to know that if I write articles just like the one you
are now reading, that I can drive people to my websites and
some of them will send me money. So the more articles I write
and post on the internet, the more visitors I get, and the more
money I make. Sad as it may seem, I am motivated by money.

The only problem is I can barely find time to write the articles
because my websites keep me busy filling orders, answering
e-mail and taking peoples money. Not to mention all the other
things in my life that consume my time. Like a full time job, and
a full time family. Oh yeah, then there's that nursery in the
backyard. It eats up a few hours too, but then again it makes
a few thousand bucks.

So I've been thinking. If there were somebody. Just one person
whom I could e-mail my articles to, one at a time, and then that
person were to post them to all the websites and the article
announcement services on the net, I would gladly be willing to
pay money for that. Certainly not get rich kind of money, but

Are you still with me? Good because I want to ask you a
question. Do you think that I am the only person on the net that
has this time problem? Not hardly. There are thousands of us,
if not tens of thousands.

It's a big problem for those of us that have some really good
things going on the net, but not quite enough to walk away
from our careers.

The person who stands up and solves this problem gets
to take home the cash.

You don't need a website or credit card processing. You
could accept payment through PayPal. All you need is a
computer and a little bit of e-mail experience. You would
have to be dependable and honest. You are those
things, right?

All you would be doing is receiving articles via e-mail, and then
posting them to the many websites and mailing lists that accept
such articles. You would have to do the research to find the best
places to post such articles. The secret to offering a service such
as this is to make sure you are posting to the best article
announcement services, because if the writers that hire you don't
get results, they won't use your service any longer.

Could this be the start of something big for you? I've
seen crazier ideas make lots and lots of money. I had a crazy
idea a whole bunch of years ago, and I made tens of thousands
of dollars, just because I let myself think outside of the box.

How did I make tens of thousands of dollars? It was long
before the internet, but what I actually did was solve a problem
for a very small group of people. It's actually a valuable lesson
that I've included in my E-book, "How to Make Thousands of
Dollars with Homemade Booklets".

As a writer, you could actually create a homemade booklet that
shows people how to provide services such as this. Business
people around the world are short of time, there have to be a
thousand services that others could provide that would free up
some of their time, and at the same time put more money in
their pockets.

About the Author

Michael J. McGroarty is the author of the Free Report Series
"37 Secret Money Making Strategies". Stop by and sign up for the
entire series. This is a Free offer.