How to Write an Argument Piece - Focus, Outline and Impact

Want to write a piece that argues for a cause or a belief? Arguments are essentially essays written in such a way that tries to convince readers of the merits of a certain opinion. There are two ways most argument pieces are written.

Showing Two Sides Of An Issue

The first form of argument writing shows both sides of a single issue, letting the facts speak for itself with regards to how people should feel about it. These pieces can be deceptive since it is easy to dwell on one aspect while selectively presenting the other. Still, if your aim is to argue successfully, this type of writing can get your opinion heard while presenting a more complete argument for your cause.

Focusing On One Side Of An Issue

The second form of argument writing, on the other hand, takes an issue and focuses on a single aspect of it. If your intention is to show the folly of a particular action, for instance, you can write the entire essay detailing its negative consequences. These pieces, for the most part, make no qualms about masking its intention and present a hard-nosed operation from the onset.

Making An Impact

When writing an argument piece, the goal is to create enough of a case for your cause to compel the reader to consider that point-of-view. As such, when going through your essay, you can